Chapter 9: I am Slamacus

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It was night at good old Acmetroplois and everyone in the city was having a good time but it all changed when local animals from the zoo escaped from the zoo and started to go on a rampage through the street except these weren't ordinary animals they are mini versions of prehistoric animals that went extinct centuries ago until scientists used technology to recreate them but smaller sizes for a logical zoo for attraction but now their loose and it is up to the Loonatics to stop them.

Ace: Well what do you know a mini mastodon? Now there is something you don't see every day?(Ace saids to his team who are getting ready to trap the escape animals who got loose)

Ace: Well what do you know a mini mastodon? Now there is something you don't see every day?(Ace saids to his team who are getting ready to trap the escape animals who got loose)

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Lexi: Well it is not every day that mastodons escape from your every day local petting zoo and go on a rampage through the streets of Acmetroplois.

James: I am still surprised that you guys have a zoo for extinct animals that have been gone for thousands of years?

Lexi: You bee surprised what else we have here James. But I think we have to skip the conversation for later right now we need to stop the hairy elephant.

Ace: Yup and put it back where it belongs, Loonatics let's Roll!

The team followed the mini mastodon to try and trap it but out of no where a dinosaur know as a Pterodactyl swoops in and tries to take bite out of the team but misses.

James: Hey watch where you flying?!!(James yells at the dinosaur)

Lexi: I got it James!(Lexi saids as she follows the bird and shoots a sticky gel at the dinosaur trapping to make sure it doesn't fly away)

James: Nice shot babe!

Lexi: Thanks now I think it is time to make a small deposit at the zoo.(Lexi saids and takes the dinosaur back to the zoo)

James: Right and go help the others because their gonna need it.

Lexi: Alright I wont be long!(Lexi saids and flies back to the zoo and goes help the others)

Meanwhile with Ace and the others:

Ace: We better stop that elephant before it tries to mistake someone for a peanut?

Tech: Actually Ace it a generic modified mastodon from the ice age era.

Ace: Ok so it is an hairy old elephant! Now let's go get him.

Back with Lexi who was taking the dinosaur back to the zoo:

Back with Lexi who was taking the dinosaur back to the zoo:

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