Chapter 7: Secrets Of The Guardian Strike Sword

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It has been six months since the battle against Optimatus, and the Loonatics were enjoying their days off from crime fighting and speaking of which two members of the team were also enjoying their new lives together and their names are Lexi Bunny and James Robby. James and Lexi were been together for the past six months and they enjoyed each other companies and they still fight crime together a long with their team mates. Today it was a great day in Acmetroplois and the team were doing their own thing while their leader Ace was out doing his thing by getting ice cream while the rest stayed at HQ working on whatever they normally do. James however was in his room working on lyrics to a song that he writing down since there is no missions or saving people today.

James: Man nothing like writing down some lyrics to a new song after going on missions.

James was finishing up his lyrics to a song that he was writing down in his book until he heard a knock on his door and was wondering who could be.


James: Who is it?(James saids when he opens the door and behind it was his beautiful girlfriend Lexi Bunny)

Lexi: Hehehe, it's the pizza man who do you think it is babe.

James: Oh hello there darling, what can I do for my lovely bunny today.

Lexi: Oh nothing really I just got bored of listening to Ducks blabbering about being the team leader and decided to hang here with my man.(Lexi saids while putting her arms around James)

James: Oh the ugly duckling and his annoying acts to become a leader what a joke.

Lexi: Hehehe, yup so what are you doing right now?

James: Oh I was just working on some music lyrics and its almost done just got to add more words so that the music would sound great.(James saids to Lexi while showing her what James got done so far)

Lexi: Wow it looks great so far, you writing a song about me.(Lexi said with a flirty smirk)

James: Hmmm....maybe but it's still not ready yet I still need time to work on it.(James said with a smirk as well)

Lexi: Still I wouldn't mind my boyfriend writing a song about yours truly.

James: Oh and if I did what do I get in return fuzzy bunny.

Lexi: Oh this 💋(Lexi saids while on James lap and begins kissing him)

James: Oh I like that.....little bunnies got a dark-side I see(James saids while holding Lexi)

Lexi: I try now bring those lips over, this bunny needs some pecking.(Lexi smirks)

James: As you wish my love 💋(James saids and kisses Lexi)

The two then later begin to make out while laying on the bed together while Lexi was on top of James and he was under her. James and Lexi really enjoyed spending a lot of time together ever since they confessed their love for each other and the team were proud of them including Zadavia. While the two continue to make out, the alarm was heard in which they both stoped in which they moment together was now ruined.


James: Sigh.....well that sucks, the moment was now ruined just great.

Lexi: Don't worry James, after we see what is going on you will be getting more kisses from your favorite butt kicking bunny.

James: I love you so much LB 💋(James saids while pecking Lexi on the lips)

Lexi: I love you too JR 💋(Lexi saids while doing the same thing to James and he enjoyed his new nickname that she has given him when they got together)

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