Chapter 2: Getting to know James Robby and The Loonatics

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After Massive was taken to prison with the power cuffs on him, the team heroes along with James Robby headed back to the base where they needed answers from James of how he got his powers and where they came from. Once they all got settled in, everyone was looking at James so that they can get some answers from him.

James: Uh can you guys stop staring at me like that it's king of creeping me out a lot

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James: Uh can you guys stop staring at me like that it's king of creeping me out a lot.(James saids to the Loonatics)

Ace: Sorry James, it is just that why didn't you tell us you have powers?

James: You guys never asked maybe that is why?

Lexi: For once he actually has a point there but seriously James that thing you did with Massive was so cool!

Tech: Yea that was quite something that you did in front of us when you took down Massive.

Duck: I'll say you almost made the entire planet shake?!

Slam: Huh-a

Rev: WhatyoudidwasthemostamazingthingeverImeanknownwecanbetterbutstillthatwas.....

Tech: Rev shut it!

Lexi: James how did you get that kind of power, I mean it was the coolest thing that we ever seen?

James: tell you the truth these powers have been in my family for many generations.

The Loonatics looked upon James with confusion until Lexi sat next to him and asked what he means.

Lexi: You mean you were born with these powers?

James: Yea and I am not the only one who has them Lexi, the rest of my family has them and we have been trained to use them to protect the world from possible threats.

Tech: That would explain how your fighting  techniques were highly skilled when during your fight with Massive.

James: Very smart Tech, yea I had years of training under the guidance of my cousins and uncles while also having the wisdom from my grandfather.

Lexi: What about your parents didn't they offer to help you as well?(Lexi saids to James who looks down in sadness which brought the team in confusion)

James: My parents died years ago, they were killed by a dangerous enemy from my past..(James saids while the Loonatics felt bad for the guy in front of them but wondering who was the being who killed his parents)

Lexi: James, I am so sorry I didn't know please forgive me; I shouldn't of said that.(Lexi saids looking down at what she said to James)

James: It is ok Lexi, you didn't mean it, even though my parents are gone , I was still happy that my uncles and my aunts along with my cousins as well as my grandpa and friends were always there to help me so that wont be alone; if it weren't for them I wouldn't become the man I am.(The Loonatics were surprised that James was happy that he had people around him to make sure it didn't feel alone)

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