Chapter 10-He's always here

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I woke up the next morning and went to the kids room to wake them up. I checked the twins rooms first to see they weren't in there. Then I checked Madeline's to see she's not in her room. Lastly I checked Anthony's room to see he wasn't in it either. It was strange usually they are in their rooms.

I heard laughters downstairs and go down to see Stefan making breakfast for the kids who's already ready for the day.

"Good morning" I said

"Good morning, Stefan made us breakfast" Anthony said

"I can see" I replied gesturing to the kitchen table filled with food

"Pancakes?" Stefan asked the passing me a plate of pancakes.

"Sure" I replied

I grabbed a pancake and put some syrup on it while eating with the kids.

"Oh shoot" Stefan said jumping off the chair looking at his phone

"We're gonna be late, let's go. Everyone in the car" he shouted scrambling to get his car keys.

"I don't have the car with the car seat. Can I borrow yours?" Stefan asked

"Fine" I said. I walked over to the rack of keys and pulling out the Escalade keys.

"Thank you" he said. "Let's go kids" he yelled. I watched all the kids run into the car. I went back into the kitchen and ate the remaining of my breakfast.

I got upstairs and get ready for the day. Once I finished I grabbed my bag and grabbed one of the many car keys I have. I picked the bmw keys and opened it, sliding and driving to the office. Once I got to the office I start on my work.

45 minutes later I get a text

Hey, I dropped your car back home and left. Thanks for letting me stay last night-Stefan


I left him at that and went back to work. I stayed at the office for the whole day working on many things but having Matthew do some stuff as well.

"Bye Ms. whitmore, have a good night" my assistant said


I looked outside to realize it was night. I was suppose to leave at 6pm.

"Good night" I replied. I checked my phone to see I had multiple missed calls and text

Can Stefan come over?-ella

Hey can I come over for dinner?-stefan

Stefan is coming over for dinner, letting you know now-Elijah

He's the one person I don't want to see right now. I packed my stuff and left the office. I got in my car and drove home. After a short drive, I parked my car in the garage, once I locked my car I went inside to hear talking coming from the kitchen. I put my bag down by the door and see pizza

"Hey, we got pizza" Stefan said

"Mom, Stefan taught me soccer" Anthony said

"Wow, that's so cool" I exclaimed

"Mom, can Stefan tuck me in tonight?" Anthony asked. I usually tuck him in

"If he wants to, you have to ask him" I said

"Stefan, can you tuck me in?" He asked

"Of course ant man" Stefan said

He's my ant man.

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