Chapter 9-feelings

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I don't like him

I hate him

I still love him

I don't want to admit it, it hurts more to even say I have feelings. It isn't real, my heart can't do this.

He hurt me

I'm not supposed to feel this way, I've built a wall on my feelings not letting anything get to me but the day he came back everything collapsed. I've been trying to rebuilt it but he's blocking it.

Mon amour

My true love, the one I still love

But I can't, it hurts to love him. I set the journal down, putting it in the drawer not wanting to look more. Although I want to continue looking, I can't.

"Mom" Anthony said opening up my door slowly. He was in his favorite spider man pajamas. He rubbed his eyes, started approaching the bed

"Yes" I replied

"I had a nightmare, can I sleep with you?" He asked

"Of course, come here" I said patting the spot next to me. He jumped on the bed, going under the blanket

"Thank you mommy" he said

"You're welcome ant man, goodnight. I love you" I said

"I love you too" he said hugging me and falling back asleep. I tried sleeping but didn't much because of the stupid journal

When Anthony woke up, I went downstairs with him and made him breakfast. Soon all the kids came downstairs and ate breakfast.

"Ok, in the car" I exclaimed.

"You're driving us?" Elijah questioned

"Yes, now let's go" I said. I rushed them into the car and drove them to school. The car ride was hectic because I missed the wrong entrance, ran over a cone and almost hit a teacher but all the kids got there safely. I drove back home and got ready for the day. I put on my work outfit and went to my office.

At the office I was pulled into multiple meetings throughout the day.

One of my colleagues was talking while I zoned out, only thing that brought me back to reality was a random number calling but I recognized it. It was the police department

"Excuse me" I said getting up and walking outside the conference room.

"Hello" I said

"Aunt Lexi" the voice said. It was Jacklyn

"Jacklyn, why are you calling me from the police department" I questioned

"Please don't tell dad but I got arrested, can you get me out?" She begged.

Jacklyn goes to nyu so she's in the city and I see her sometimes.

"You're joking, what the hell did you do?" I questioned

"I'll explain when you get here, but please help me" she said

"I'll be there very soon" I said

"Thank you" she replied. I hung up the phone and walking back into the meeting

"The meeting is dismissed and will be rescheduled, a family emergency came up" I said grabbing my stuff and walking back out.

I got into my car and drove to the police station. Once I parked I rushed in

"Where is Jacklyn Valentino?" I questioned

"Mrs. Aveline, what are you doing here?" Officer John asked. A lot of these officers are on pay roll and work under me.

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