°First Day° (Pt. II)

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What's the first and the last thing you would want to see on your first day of new session of your first year of High School?
The first thing would probably be your best friend. If that's your answer, I'd say great minds think alike. And the last thing would be great loads of smelly garbage littered all around your school corridors. But it's not same for me, at least not after the current situation.
Long story short while I was trying to find my new class, I saw Ms. Srima in the corridors and she's my favourite teacher. So if she's my favourite, I'm her favourite too. She had a couple of colored sheets in her hand so I politely asked her if she needed any help. And being the extra enthusiastic teacher she is, she happily agreed and gave me all those papers with a huge grin on her face. I would've smiled like that this whole morning too only if I didn't find out that Mr. Rajendra has left the school. He's a great teacher and probably, no wait, the best Maths tutor in this whole school.
He's my second favourite teacher, was. I want to cry right now. It's just..I can't express what I'm feeling at this moment. He was my Maths tutor last year too and we had made so many plans on how we would learn each lesson this year and what assignments he would give for each chapter. He didn't even inform about his resignation nor did he send any last message on the class group chat. I'm seriously going to cry. This isn't what I signed for.
I get in my senses right before Ms. Srima could see my disappointment after her unexpected announcement. She said she has been appointed as my English teacher this year too. I quickly plaster a smile and make my way out. not like I'm not happy about her position, it's just that the sad news has won the battle. Maybe I'm being over dramatic but this is enough to ruin my day.
I let the information sink in while I start my search again. I'm not even aware who are the dumb kids I'm going to share my classroom with this year. I swear to God one more disappointment and I'll commit suicide.  I sigh as I finally see the panel displaying "9 B". I enter the classroom and a flying paper plane almost hits me in the eye when someone grabs it right at the moment. I take a deep breath and look to my right where that 'someone' was standing crushing the plane in their hands. I meet with the face of none other than Gulshan. This bitch! I've never hated anyone more than this bitch in my life. Maybe I have but at this moment she is The bitch. And what the hell is she doing in my classroom? Oh no no no no, she can't be in my class! Yeah, I'll just go find some rat poison in the school store room now.
Before I could start my race to the store room, the bitch rolls her eyes and goes on doing whatever shit she was doing already. This is it. I need my money back. I said it before I'll say it again I DIDNT SIGN FOR THIS SHIT! I finally give the whole crime scene a glance and the sight is horrible. Almost all the kids are playing with paper planes. So many crushed planes are lying on the floor and the dustbin is full of paper and paper. My trees!! Ungrateful kids! I sigh and start massaging my forehead. They really sent me amongst some dumb kids. But you know what I don't give a fuck. I'm not the monitor of this class so I'll leave it to our Class teacher whoever they are. Another shocking thing is all the guys are cute which is, let me tell you, a very unusual view for me. I rarely get one or two cute guys in my class but oohoooo, one good thing then. I go and take a seat in the third row. There are less people this side so I'm assuming all of those guys have their seats on the other side. I sigh again and lay my head low. Gulshan, why i hate this girl so much you ask? Well, we met in sixth grade and instantly clicked off. She was quite funny and helped my socially awkward self to realise some great things about this life. But guess what she was actually using me to gain some fame in the sixth grade (surprise I was famous from the start, that means I still am. And famous for being a nerd isn't something I'm proud of) and was talking shit about me behind my back. She basically body shamed and called me with different names in front of her "cool friends" lmao. Talk about two faced bitches! It was hard for me to cut her off my life considering how big part of my life she had become and how bad I'm at doing that thing anyway.
As if God heard my prayers we started to drift apart from each other because of some Riya who apparently used to clung to her. I surely didn't feel great during the entire process but I'm glad it all happened. That Riya something left the school a year ago and now this bitch was again in the search of finding herself some new clone. I just want to stay away from her as much as I can.
I look down and once again examine my body. Fuck I'm so ugly. I do have extra pounds of fat on my body in an unhealthy amount, huge thighs, small head, great height, and big boobs. All the things Gulshan and everyone had me bullying for. See for me huge thighs, small head, great height and big boobs are not liabilities but in fact parts of my body which I'm proud of. It's all thanks to Wattpad and Korean culture. But those love handles are surely what I would like to hide from everyone. I sigh again and take deep breathes.
I look up to find a group of boys (cute boys, it needs to be mentioned) talking in front of me. I observe them for few minutes. You can't blame me for checking out some cute guys. One of them has little longer hair than usual, his height must be same as me if not taller than me, has a nice ass sculpted face and HE HAS A FUCKIN MOLE BETWEEN HIS NOSE AND LIPS! OH MY GOD! If you couldn't tell that's the biggest turn up for me. He's an olive skin tone and round glasses with almost no frame. Damn. Now that's what you call beauty. God has favourites. Check. A voice interrupts my checking out session and I look beside me to find That bitch and her annoying twats group staring at me. The bitch opens her mouth to say something when some other voice interrupts her.
I quickly shoot up from my seat and run towards the class door. "GOOOD MORNIIING BITCHHHHH! Why the fuck are you so late?" "GOOODDDD MORNING TO YOU TOOOOO!!! AND THAT MF DRIVER CANCELLED HIS ARRIVAL AT THE LAST MOMENT. Mom had to drop me." Guess who? My bestfriend Aakashi. We became friends in seventh grade when I had lost faith in true friendships. She was a transfer student. We've completely opposite personalities. She's your that extrovert friend who has immense amount of confidence and can become friends with even teachers. And I'm your that introvert friend who starts trembling while giving a presentation in front of just 30 people and doesn't even know how to talk properly with others without having at least one awkward moment. On her first day, I was monitoring the class. She suddenly came up to me and asked if she could sit with me. I was a big loner that time and I was so confused on why such a girl would want to sit with me. Nobody had willingly volunteered to be with me before of they didn't want any homework. But I've never known how to say no so I let her sit with me for that entire day. We talked a lot. Before the school ended, I asked her that one dumb question "So are you my friend now?" I know it's very very dumb. Y'all are free to call me anything. To which she chuckled slowly and said, "Of course." Now it has been two years and our friendship has just flourished. We are each other's backbone. And though I'm still an introvert, she has taught me several ways on how to enjoy life even while isolating yourself from a crowd of people.
We hug each other tight. I just love hugs and specially if it's from my favourite person. We discussed our plans yesterday and found out we were in the same class again. This is so fuckin great. Second good thing. We stay in the same position for a while when I break the hug. I whisper in her ear, "So this time we have many guys jinhe hum taad skte hai (So this time we have many guys who we can eye rape). And the one with slightly longer hair is already mine. So you better not choose him." She smirks at me and looks around to probably find him. I turn around and notice that almost everyone has stopped doing whatever they were doing and were now staring at both of us. My eyes widen a little but I supress the nervousness and drag Aakashi to the seat beside mine. By that time everyone has taken their eyes off of us. I look at Aakashi and ask, "What the hell was that? Why the fuck were they all staring at us or wait, were they staring at you? Why would they?" "Naah bae they were staring at both of us probably because they have never seen such cool people before." I roll my eyes at her answer. That's that confident bitch for you. "Or maybe they think we are lesbians?" Aakashi speaks again "So what? I don't mind others thinking that we're in a relationship." With that she wraps her arms around my neck. "Well neither do I." We again stay in that position till a high pitched annoying ass voice interrupts our flirting session. "YAAH can you both stop being gay for a moment? Jesus not both of these assholes in my class." I roll my eyes again and I know Aakashi did it too. This time Aakashi opens her mouth to spit out poison- the good type poison "Jealous much? And puh lease that's your nickname, Gulshan. Come up with something creative from next time. For now I would want to have some peaceful time with bestie, so you can take that little tail of yours and get out of my face." I give a smile to her before turning my face towards that bitch and a smirk escapes my lips. You see last year I told Aakashi about whatever happened between Gulshan and I and she has been hating that bitch just as much as me, if not more. She never liked her before anyway.
Then Mr. Shubham enters the class and asks everybody to settle down. We both take our seats and grin hard because if Mr. Shubham is our class teacher, this year is going to be great. He's one of the coolest, calmest and chillest teachers out there.
"Good morning students and welcome to grade nine! The year where you start feeling like a adult and the year where you start feeling depressed! This year is going to be filled with lots of amazing things including trips annnddd assignments! I'm Subham Biswas, your class teacher as well as your Biology tutor. Now before we start with anything else, uh oh no no I'm not going to ask yall to give your intros and bore everyone in this classroom counting me in too. Y'all are going to stand up one by one and speak out your names but the twist is you'll have to go according to the rhythm. Now this rhythm isn't any break up song you've been playing on repeat these past days but is the classic sa re ga ma pa. Now it's up to you how you're going to coordinate your name with the rhythm without ruining the song. Annnd if you manage to ruin the song, you'll have to write a 1000 words intro about yourself. Get ready everyone, let's start."  Alright what the fuck is this?! I'm not going to write a 1000 words intro for just not able to sing my name according to sa re ga ma pa. I look beside me only to find Aakashi already staring at me with her big eyes. Same bestie same.
I roll my eyes again and look around the class. I didn't notice before but what the fuck?! All the guys are sitting in this side of the classroom and here I had made up my mind that they have their seats there. See I'm not complaining but now I'll get insecure every second some guy looks at me. At this moment everyone is surprised from the announcement of the punishment. This is so fuckin stupid I swear to God.
Then the music starts playing and one by one everyone speaks out their names. Some are messing up in between but the ones after them are able to cover it up easily. Now it's the turn of the guys who are sitting in front of us. HOLY SHIT! The guy with the long hair is sitting right in front of me. Oh so his name is Krish, nice name. Aakashi and I manage to not break the flow and speak out our names properly. The introductions end with big smiles on but not on those who clearly are thinking what to write in their 1000 words intro.
Shubham Sir notices the tension and chuckles a little, "Don't worry. Don't worry. I don't want y'all to give me unnecessary information about yourselves anyway. That was just for fun. Look at your faces." With that everyone starts laughing. I just chuckle a little, that wasn't a great joke Sir. He then starts briefing us about the curriculum of this year. And who are our other subject teachers.
Chalo (Well)  maybe I can have some fun this year.

Just one more part for this chapter. *winks* Thank you everyone for reading this. It means a lot. Hope y'all enjoyed.

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