°First Day° (Pt. I)

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tum tum tum tum tum tuM tUM TUM~
"Aah, not now. I want to sleep more."
"Ughh" I finally switch off my phone alarm. I get up from the bed and straight up head for the washroom. My sleeps are so deep that I rarely can wake in the night time if I get any nature's call so first thing I've to do in the morning is to run to the toilet. And another thing is that I literally can't hold my saliva in my mouth for long once I wake up.
I was 10 when I saw this 50 Seconds advertisement where they were basically telling how all the germs gather up in our mouths the entire night when we are supposed to be peacefully dreaming, and goes down our food pipe once we take in anything in the morning. Gross! Though the advertisement was made for their toothpaste, the only thing I don't remember from that ad is which brand toothpaste they were advertising. After that I made sure that the second thing I do in my mornings is vigorously brush all those germs away (as first is flushing down the waste materials).
I look in the mirror placed right in front of my bed. I'm so fucking beautiful. I rarely say these things to myself but my morning face does glows better than the one I take on by the time it's 2.
Currently the time is 6:45 so that means I've got 40 minutes more to do any and everything before I start my new session. It feels as if I'm starting school again except for this time I'm aware that my parents aren't abandoning me at a horrible place filled with unhygienic kids and irresponsible adults, and I'm not a 4 year old who is misunderstood by every other adult. The difference is of 10 years, I mean almost 10 years. With this, I pull out my head band and go in the bathroom.
7:05am. Alright, but why do I look so bad in school dresses?! Couldn't they have made these dresses a little better? I'm wearing this white shirt with these grey pants. The belt is in the right size cause I adjusted it just yesterday. Shoes: polished. Nails: done. Wrist watch: check. Hair: oh God, I totally forgot I need to comb my hair too. When you've short hair, you easily forget to brush them so not my fault that I forgot.
I take my school backpack and head downstairs with all the excitement running through my veins. "Ma, I'm done. Jaldi khana do. Phir school bhi jaana hai. (Give the breakfast asap. I need to head to school too.)" Her low pitched voice answered from kitchen, "Haan aai. (Yes coming.)" I took my fixed seat on the dining table and scroll through WhatsApp ('cause I'm not allowed to use any other messaging app in this household till the time I don't pass 12th grade which is 3 years from now). I can't believe there are people in our previous year class group chat who are actually wishing each other good luck for the first day. There's no necessity though considering how everyone's just going to pass each other in the hallway and pretend they never talked in this entire life except for some people.

Just then my mum serves me 2 aloo parathas (bread coated with oil) and some sauce on the other side of the plate. I take in the smell of the delicious breakfast and dive right in. After some time I notice someone's absence and open my mouth to speak, " Samarth kahan hai? (Where's Samarth?)" Speak of the devil there came his horrible voice, "Mummy where are my shoes and why is this belt so tight?" I chuckle remembering how I had particularly advised him yesterday night to prepare all these things for today. Meet my brother Samarth- the laziest and the stupidest person alive. It's his first day of the session too. Currently he's in 7th grade while I'm going to start my 9th grade. We have only a year age gap but due to some problem with his adminstration, he had to study third grade again. At least that's what I've been told. "Yaar mummy aapko sab taiyar krke rkhna chahiye tha na! (Mom, you should've prepared all of these things earlier!) "Maa kyun tera krengi? Maine tujhe pehle hi bola tha na ki ye sab kr le. Ab baat nai maani tune toh natija bhi tu hi bhuktega (Why will mom do all of this? I already told you to prepare everything in advance. Now face the consequences) I gave him my so-called famous smirk and continued devouring the food. I heard him scoff once and then he went back upstairs, probably to fix all of that mess.

I finish my breakfast and took my leave from the house. I nearly started to cycle to school when my mum screamed on top of her precious lungs (sarcasm intended), "Mayuuu don't you dare to leave Samar behind! You both are going to school together." "Tell him to come fast or I'll go by myself." "Can't you wait for few more minutes?! It's not as if you're going to be late for school this early anyway!" (that's Samar for you matching his tone with mom from his room window) "UGH STOP NAGGING! COME FAST!" His words aren't wrong though. It's just 7:15am and the school isn't too far away. But what's wrong in reaching school early, right? "UGH WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SUCH A GOODY-GOODY STUDENT?!" I give him a groan for that and proceed to cycle with him following behind. Talk about weak stamina, ha!
By 7:30am we finally reach the school. It took 5 minutes extra because apparently Samar's legs lost interest in paddling. We park our bikes almost at the same place and bid each other goodbyes before parting our ways. We both belong to different "Wings" which is nothing but different schools. I'm in the Senior Wing now which means High school and he's entered in second year of the Middle Wing which is Middle school. I can't believe I'm finally a senior. I remember how I used to be so fascinated to see our seniors when I was in the Middle School. Just the thought of being called a Senior by juniors is so exciting. The feeling is just immaculate. I'm probably going crazy with so many thoughts whirling freely around my mind.
I greet the teachers on the gates a very good morning and enter the huge red building.
Let's start the new adventure, shall we? *winks*

So hello to all the dear Readers (and probably some Authors too)! This is my first ever story to be published on Wattpad. (I just happen to write some smuts before this which I officially published in my group chats, yes that's me :-)) I've been writing since 11 but it's safe to say that I've improved a lot (again it hasn't been many years since I celebrated my 11th birthday so..). For this story, I particularly got inspired from HTBTBTW. Not only the writing style hella attracted me but also helped me to make changes in MY own writing style. I live for Jara 😌🤚tbh. This was the first part of this Chapter. I'm going to try and post the second and the third part at the same time I publish this so that all of you get a better look at what's coming in the future. Anyways, as this was the first author's note, I also wrote (typed technically but whatever) a little too much and made all of this. I'll take my leave here and see y'all in the next part. 👏👏👏 *claps for my stupidness* y'all know what I'm contemplating if calling Samar the stupidest was a right thing..

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