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Zara's POV

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Zara's POV

After my encounter with Adonis I continued to walk home. It was still bright outside so maybe dad wouldn't be home.

It was 11:00pm when I got home and as I opened the door I was faced with his face.

His face was turned with disgust when he saw me

"Where have you been huh? Whoring around, I haven't seen you in days." Who does he think cleans the place up. A fairy.

I tried to walk away. I learned that letting him yell was better than getting involved.

"Where the hell do you think you're going!" He grabbed me by my arm and struck me on my left cheek. I tried to get out of his hold but he continued to yell at me. I was tired of his shit, today was the LAST time he would treat me like this.

"What kind of father even are you!! Your wife died and you couldn't even check in to see how I was feeling." I screamed

"You fucking shut me out, hit me, spat at me, and hurt Emmy. I pay the bills and keep this house functioning while you go and party and pass out stupid." His face stared with confusion.

"And if you think that I'm going to walk out, you are wrong, pack your shit and leave." I clutched my fists and punched him to the side of his head.

I shoved him back full force. He stumbled back, because of his drunk state, he tripped over an empty beer bottle. His body flew back and hit the table. As the glass broke pieces flew everywhere, piercing his head. I saw blood begin to pour from underneath him.

I gasped. What have I done?


I have been pacing back and forth not knowing what to do with his body. I walked over to his body. I kneeled down and placed my fingers on his wrist to find a pulse.


He's dead, I really killed someone. What would the organization think of this? Malcolm will kill me.

I got up and grabbed both of his ankles and pulled him to the garage. I emptied his pockets and placed a sheet over his body.

I went back to the living room to clean up the blood before looking through his stuff. I opened his wallet and found $600 dollars. I put the money in a bag as evidence, then picked up his phone.

He had no passcode so it made it a lot easier. I opened his contacts and saw barely anyone. The only contacts were-


Who is boss

I wonder if that's my Malcolm. I click the contact and match the number on my phone to his. What do ya know. It was.

How would they even know each other. I met Malcolm when I was 18, at that time I was working as a bartender at this strip club.


"Coming right up." I turned around and began to make his drink. I have been working for 8 hours straight, I need to raise this money.

I heard a deep voice from my left. "How about you go take a break." I turned around and saw a stunning man. Brown eyes, brown hair, even an accent I could exactly pick up on.

"Customers stay behind the bar."

"I own this bar." His voice was firm, he obviously didn't like to be messed with.

Too bad, I don't care

"Great, maybe you should give me a raise then." I chuckled at my joke but he didn't seem to find that funny.

He hooked his arm with mine and took me to a hidden door, I've never seen before. We entered the room, I stood while he locked the door. He walked back over to his desk and folded his hands. "Why do you really need this job?"

"My sister has cancer, I need money for treatment." He nodded like he could relate. The next thing that came from his mouth took me by surprise.

"Work for me, with me. I promise you won't regret a thing."

Flashback over

Ever since then I would go on little missions whenever Malcolm needed. I wasn't exactly part of the Mafia, but I knew how things went.

Malcolm made sure his partners didn't know of me. I would spy and come back with info, and he would pay me. I had simple rules of course.

But why would my dad have a connection with Malcolm. I read the messages and saw he owed him money.

Big time

Almost 1 million dollars in debt.

But what really caught my attention was the mention of Adonis Martinez, where did he come into play?

Whatever secret he is hiding I'm going to find out. I just have to get on his good side.

I smirked to myself before I called Adonis. Looks like I've slept on his offer.

How hard could it be to nanny?

I dialed his number. The smile on my face never leaves. "I'll do it." I'm not done. "On one condition... help me get rid of something." I immediately hung up.  If he really knew my dad he would recognize his dead body.

What can I say?



Btw to the readers that don't know this, this story probably won't go any longer than 40 chapters. I just fear I might lose the plot or get tired of writing the book.

but continue reading😏🙂

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