I'm so drawn to him, it's painful.

Why did I take moments like this for granted before? I want to hold his hand, to feel his warm palm against mine, to tangle our fingers together. I want to snuggle into his chest and sleep, to just be there with him, free from boundaries and rules and bullshit.

But I sigh at the thoughts, the possibilities that have been taken away from me. Twisting on my feet as I say, "We should go."

He scans the area while we walk to the centre of the dome, where a huge stage has been set up. Everyone starts to take their seats and wait for the news.

News that I'm unaware of.

I see Ainsley pushing Gareth's wheelchair backstage, Mum following behind with Frank on one side, Belinda on the other, and four guards surrounding them. They're all wearing riot gear, helmets to protect them, just like me. I'm surprised Gareth is here, considering he was so close to death not even two weeks ago.

A smile pulls at my lips when I reach them, and Ainsley yanks me in for a hug. Our helmets knock together, and she laughs, but I can't manage such a thing, to laugh. She whispers something in Gareth's ear, and his eyes peer up at me through his visor, the corner of his mouth curling ever so slightly. My palm finds his forearm, squeezing it as an act of appreciation.

This man saved my life.

He jumped in front of a bullet that was meant for me.

I owe him everything.

"You look like shit, by the way," Ainsley says, ogling at me up and down. "Does Eric ever let you sleep?"

I grimace, making sure no one heard her. "I'm just tired."

She hums, narrowing her eyes at Eric who's discussing something with my dad. "Has he told you what happened?" she asks while kneeling next to the wheelchair, holding Gareth's hand. "Do you know what your dad is going to be talking about?"

I shake my head. "Nope. Just that it's important and involves everyone."

Eric is still in a deep conversation, but his eyes keep finding mine, as if he's worried I'm going to disappear. They're so blue. Even from a distance, I can see the ocean in them, remembering how they dance under a blanket of stars, how they had burned into my soul while we made love.

He crosses his arms, stuck in a trance with me while Dad's hands fly around, explaining something to him. I'm sure he isn't paying attention, because he's fully focused on me. His gaze drags up and down, unblinkingly holding my stare. If I was able to communicate this way, I'd beg him to forgive me, to believe that I love him more than life itself, that I don't want any of this.

Instead, the corner of my mouth curls in a saddening smile, an apology for hurting him, but he pulls himself out of it and averts his eyes.

Orla is in the crowd with Ainsley's parents. I can see that she's searching for me, waving like crazy when she notices Eric walking up the steps to the stage with my dad. He nods in her direction, and she grins, saying something to Ains' mum that gets completely ignored.

I narrow my eyes at Fiona, wondering how such a horrible woman can blank out a sweet girl like Orla.

Guards surround us as we move to the side of the stage, so we can get a good view. Dad taps the mic, which echoes in the speakers on each side of the makeshift platform.

Silence falls around the centre of the dome.

"Well, good afternoon, everyone," he begins, clearing his throat. "I know this was quite a last-minute meeting, but it's probably the most important one yet."

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