Chapter 6 - Revenge of the Sith

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Author's Note: This is where the fic was supposed to start initially, but then we realized we needed to fill in more stuff in the past. Lol. And then, Anakin kinda got stole the spotlight from Ahsoka. ^-^ 

~ Amina Gila

The quiet thump of her boots hitting the floor is the only sound filling the room. Ahsoka strides forwards, coming to a stop a few feet from the throne her fellow Sith is currently occupying. "I am here to propose a truce," she says bluntly, "Or at least a temporary alliance."

"Lady Tano, is it?" Darth Maul asks, rising.

"Yes," she answers curtly, "I know you want Kenobi dead. Your little game here won't be drawing his attention, so I propose we go after him together."

"After all this time, why come to me?"

"Simple. My master is dead because of him. I want revenge, the same as you," Ahsoka tries to say it nonchalantly, but she doubts anything could conceal her true feelings. Dooku was the one who found and raised her, training her to be a Sith. Had they a bit more time, and they would have made their move and defeated Sidious together. They didn't move fast enough. Sidious, no doubt, had him killed intentionally when Kenobi and Skywalker went to "rescue" him from the Invisible Hand.

Light-years away, Ahsoka felt his death and their bond wrenching apart, the only real bond she's ever had and kept. He may have been her master, but in a way, he was... so much more. He was her father; she'll admit that at least to herself. The only person she ever truly cared about. She was too young to remember her family, and he's the closest she's ever had to one, not that Sith even have families in the first place. The feelings remain regardless, and she knows he cared for her, even if he would never admit it. It would be unreasonable to expect him to, anyway.

She was Dooku's only true apprentice, unlike all his other acolytes such as Ventress, even if Sidious didn't know it. Or maybe he did know it, which is part of the reason he had Dooku killed. They didn't move fast enough, and now it's too late. Alone, she'll never be able to take down Sidious, but the very least she can do is avenge her master's death. Her former experience with both Jedi is a plus. They're too powerful for her alone, but she has no doubt with the assistance of someone like Maul, she could defeat them both with ease.

"Where do you propose we find him?" the Sith Lord asks.

"I located him attacking the Separatist forces on Utapau. He was dispatched to fight General Grievous. If we move quickly, we should be able to arrive in time." Thanks to her access codes to much of the Separatist intel, it didn't take much to pinpoint his location.

"Very well," Maul responds.

Well, that was a simple agreement. Not that Ahsoka expected it wouldn't be. She knew it would work, and she doesn't need to worry about him betraying her. Both the Jedi will die, and perhaps they will stand a chance against Sidious, too. Which would leave the two of them as the only remaining Sith in the galaxy.

The journey to Utapau is relatively fast and quiet. They spend the time trying to familiarize themselves with one another's fighting styles. Maul is older and more experienced, yes, but Ahsoka could never imagine considering him her master. More than likely, it isn't something they will have to concern themselves with, so she banishes the thought from mind.

The battle is well underway when the pair arrive. The ship skims across the surface and Ahsoka watches from the viewport from afar, trying to spot out a blue lightsaber amidst the chaos.

"He isn't with the clones," Maul observes. "I sense his presence... farther."

"Then take us there," Ahsoka replies evenly, forcing herself not to snap at him. She doesn't need to antagonize the Sith if they're working together. Besides, it's not like he was the one who killed her father. No, she can save her anger for Kenobi and Skywalker when she finally confronts them. She wants to focus on her anger, because dealing with the... pain is not something she wants to face right now.

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