Chapter 3 - Mortis

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Author's Note: We weren't originally planning to write the Mortis arc, but 1. it's an awesome arc, 2. it will be important in the future, 3. it's way too much fun to put Rex in weird situations with "Force stuff" he doesn't understand. Lol. And also, building on Anakin and Rex's friendship is fun! :D

~ Amina Gila 

Rex has never been so confused in his life. First, he was following an ancient distress signal along with General Skywalker and General Kenobi in the Twilight; then, the fleet, which is at the same coordinates, can't find them and all he could see was empty space. The next thing he knows, they were being pulled into a brilliant white light. And now they're waking up on the surface of a planet when no one landed their shuttle in the first place.

So, frankly, he has no idea what in the world is going on, but he doesn't like it at all. And something about the air itself around him feels wrong. It's like he can literally feel things he's never been able to before, and it's setting him even more on edge.

"Come on, let's go take a look around," General Skywalker advises, standing up and heading for the back of the ship. The three of them walk down the ramp, onto the grass surrounding them.

The sun in the sky is very bright, and trees surround them on all sides. Mountains rise up in the distance far beyond. Rock formations are floating in mid-air. He decides to not even comment about that. Stranger things have already happened – like how they even landed in the first place.

He scans the horizon through his helmet instead, trying to see if he can make out anything that might tell them where they are. Just then, he sees a sudden flash of light in between the trees.

"Did you see that?" asks Rex.

"I didn't see anything," General Kenobi replies with a frown, as he looks through a pair of macrobinoculars.

"Did you hear that?" asks General Skywalker.

"Hear what?" queries General Kenobi. No, Rex definitely didn't hear anything either. What is going on here?

"Are you the One?" a voice suddenly inquiries from behind them.

"Hello?" General Skywalker asks cautiously, "Who are you?"

"I am Daughter," the woman replies, her voice echoing strangely, "Are you the one?"

"The one what?" What is she even talking about?

"I will take you to him," she decides as if that answers everything. Then she promptly turns and starts walking away.

Rex is only getting more and more lost as they make their way behind the woman along the edges of long seemingly endless cliffs. The seasons seem to literally change by time of day, and the woman is pretty much ignoring everything they ask. And any answer she does give is so cryptic that he almost wishes they hadn't asked anything in the first place.

"Look out!" General Skywalker yells suddenly, and an invisible force throws Rex backwards just as an enormous rock crashes down right in front of him. He hastily regains his nearly lost footing and runs to the edge of the cliff to help up General Kenobi, who barely managed to catch onto the edge.

Rex pulls him to safety, before hastily pushing a button on his comm. "General, are you there?"

"Yes, but our friend here has run off," comes the immediate reply, "Go back to the ship and try sending another distress call. I'll follow her and find out how to get off this rock."

"And if this is a trap?" argues General Kenobi, moving closer.

"Then I'm not going to wait around to find out."

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