Chapter 2 - Meet Me On the Battlefield

Começar do início

Ahsoka is flung back, not managing to block it, but Dooku raises a hand, easily countering it. "What, did you lose your lightsaber?" mocks the Togruta, stalking forwards again.

Anakin raises a hand, throwing a bunch of destroyed droid parts at the two which Dooku easily tosses aside again. "Surrender, Skywalker," he orders, "You are outnumbered."

No, he's not going to back down that easily, even if it's stupid. He levitates one of the rocks he was taking shelter behind next, throwing it the Count. Dooku catches it again, this time throwing it right back at him. He dodges out of the way, as the Force screams a warning.

Lightning leaps from the Sith's hands, striking him. He's thrown to the ground as all of his nerves are electrified, pain burning through every inch of his body. It's as bad as it was back on Geonosis. It finally lets up what was probably a few seconds later, even if it feels like much longer.

"Take him to the ship," he hears Dooku ordering.

Ahsoka moves into his line-of-sight moments later, clamping Force restraints on his wrists. He stands unsteadily, doing his best not to let the effects show as he's led towards the ship.

"So, are you having fun being out on a battlefield like this?" he quips finally.

"A lot actually, fighting your pathetic Order. Though I might be having more if you'd shut up."


"Manners aren't something I give to Jedi."

"Oh, how unfortunate. I can see where you learned that from."

"I hope you find your new accommodations to your liking, because you'll be here for a long time," she snaps back, pushing him inside the prison cell.

"I can walk on my own, thanks for asking," he calls after her.

"Really? It sure didn't look like it!" she shoots back, pushing a button on the wall, the cell door slamming closed behind her, leaving him alone.

Now he has to wait until Obi-Wan shows up to rescue him. Hopefully that'll be before the interrogation droids arrive. Well, he'll try to make an escape, first.


The battle on Jabiim has been raging for weeks now, and the Republic forces are losing ground more than anything else. Ahsoka and Ventress are both leading parts of the Separatist forces alongside the locals to fight off the Republic and its sympathizers. Through the darkness of the night, Ahsoka can still make out the figures moving in between the trees. The clones. Trying to infiltrate here when most other forces are currently off fighting elsewhere. Well, that's not going to work as well as they think.

Staying in the shadows out of sight, Ahsoka creeps closer to them. They're moving steadily closer to the building. Time to make her presence known. She pulls herself up the tree nearby tree, then leaps from there across the clearing towards the figures in front, igniting her lightsabers as she falls.

She realizes a moment too late that the one in front is not a clone. Yes, she sensed Skywalker around here, but with his hood up and shielding himself in the Force, she didn't realize he was right there. A Force wave crashes into her, throwing her back. She slams her lightsabers into the ground to stop herself as she skids several feet backwards.

Skywalker immediately ignites his own lightsaber, holding it in front of him as she stands, shifting into her fighting pose. "Now Dooku's even sending his daughter out to battle all on her own?" Skywalker scoffs, as though he's not literally talking right to her.

"What, think I'm not ready for that either, Jedi?" she sneers.

"No, Dooku's parenting skills are quite predictable." A flash of anger runs through at the words. She does not stand for people talking about her master, her father like that.

InheritenceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora