Chapter 2 - Meet Me On the Battlefield

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Author's Note: This is... basically the most important moments where Anakin and Obi-Wan met Ahsoka on the battlefield. :D And also... don't expect them to magically work things out. They won't. Dark fic, remember? :')

~ Amina Gila

This would hardly be the stupidest thing Anakin's ever done, but it still feels that way. Honestly. He can feel a much too familiar presence nearby, sending a shiver down his spine. He keeps moving forwards, anyway. It's the fastest way for himself and Obi-Wan to make it to the ship Dooku's on without an outright attack, anyway.

This would hardly be the first time Anakin's had to intentionally get himself captured, and it's only a problem because there's a Sith Lord involved. Last time Anakin encountered him, not counting Tatooine, Anakin lost his arm. So, no, he is not at all looking forwards to this.

He keeps walking, anyway, staring at the rows of droids marching towards him. Earlier, he – on Obi-Wan's orders, of course – dropped his lightsaber somewhere while scouting out. Obi-Wan will find it and hopefully bring it to him. It would've been so much easier if he hid the thing on himself, even if there was a possibility of Dooku finding it. Except, he has nothing to defend himself with except the Force, and he can't make this look easy. No, he won't ever go down without a fight.

Anakin ducks behind a rock when some of the droids start firing at him. Oh, alright, fine. He reaches out with the Force, lifting a few of the droids and crushing them. He steals a fallen blaster before taking off, taking shelter behind nearby structures. At the very least, he's making this a chase.

It lasts a while, a while of running and chasing and hiding, but after dropping a tree on the last remaining droids' heads, he senses Dooku. And... someone else. The presence feels bright and young, though deeply intertwined with the Dark Side much like Dooku's is. Another acolyte of his, probably.

He really, really wishes he had his lightsaber, because he's not stupid enough to even try fighting a Sith with a blaster.

"Dooku," Anakin greets coldly, stepping back. He's in a relatively surrounded space right now, which is good. He'll have to fight with the Force alone, and it's just his luck that Dooku is a well-known expert at telekinesis.

"Skywalker," the Count replies, and a rush of fierce, icy rage rushes through him. Before Anakin can snap something back at him, though, his eyes land on another much smaller figure. An orange Togruta teen, clothed in black. While Anakin hasn't ever seen her before, he knows who she is. Ahsoka Tano. It would be hard for him not to recognize her, given she's the adopted daughter of the Separatist's leader. She has two lightsabers, like Ventress, only hers are a different shape. Oh, of course Dooku trained his so-called daughter into being his own perfect little pet.

"Why am I not even surprised you brought your barely teenage daughter out to a battlefield?" Anakin asks dryly.

"Think I'm not ready?" she snips back, baring her fangs at him.

"Oh, it does seem a bit careless."

"Funny, given your precious Order is sending ten-year-old's to the front lines who have no preparation for battle at all."

It's wrong, and it bothers him to no end, but that never-ending urge to defend the Jedi swells inside him. "You planned and started the war," Anakin fires back.

"Enough talking," interrupts Dooku, igniting his lightsaber.

Anakin starts reaching for his own, only to remember again that he doesn't have it. Someone tell him why he decided to listen to Obi-Wan about that, again? Reacting instinctively, Anakin sends a Force-shove at the two.

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