Sun Fang stared at the two people in the picture, his eyes glancing between them. They looked somewhat happy, he'd suppose. Certainly, he'd never seen Marcus looking at him like that.

Just for the chaos it would cause, Sun Fang logged onto his official account for the first time in weeks and found his brother's post, liking it and shamelessly commenting: Congrats on the successful investment! ;)

He pressed send before he could think twice about it.

He wondered how his brother would respond. He even wondered if his father would react in public, maybe making a post about how he wasn't wanted anymore. Well, not that he'd ever really been in the first place. Still, he was sure that no matter their reactions, it would be amusing as hell.

Sun Fang continued to scroll through different social medias for a while, even writing a few more posts on his side-accounts. Eventually, though, he was defeated by his hunger and had to stop so that he could go eat. With an empty stomach growling at him, he sauntered over to the kitchen and had only just sat down by the marble counter, trying to think of what to eat, when his butler entered after him.

He was starting to think that the butler had some kind of sensors in the kitchen, as it always knew when Sun Fang was there. "A snack, Young Master?" his butler asked, already in the process of taking down cutlery before Sun Fang had responded.

"En," Sun Fang agreed. He fiddled with the phone for a minute before he put it down, out of his immediate reach.

His butler got a bowl of strawberry ice cream ready, and Sun Fang gratefully accepted it. 



Exclusive novels will never be available for free, but will eventually be released as ebooks, at the very least on my


Every Day, I'm Pretending to be an NPC!

Summary: Yao Qingxin read the rulebook, ok. There's nothing in there about pretending to be an NPC. Meaning, it should be fine!

Or: Yao Qingxin is dragged into a game (?) world thing, where he's forced to complete instances in order to secure points for his survival. In his opinion, the subsequent "acting as an NPC to coast by in the instance while everyone else dies" is just common sense.

Warning: Neither the MC nor ML are good people! They're kind of constantly pitting everyone around them! And leading most everyone to their deaths!

Genres: Unlimited Flow, BL, Horror, Romance, Comedy

Main Pairing: M/M

[Note: This novel is tagged and titled Fake NPC on Patreon, due to character limits.]


A Field of Scattered Stars

Summary: After his gang messes with the wrong people, the only people left alive in the old hotel that’d been their base is Magnus and a prisoner of the gang: a man who’d Magnus had only heard referred to as ”Mad Dog”. (Post Zombie Apocalypse, same world as Dead End, set 1.5 years after the apocalypse, starring Magnus and ”Mad Dog” Andrew [Jules’s boyfriend and roommate])

Genres: BL, Horror, Slice of Life, Romance

Main Pairing: M/M


A Slacker's Life in the Entertainment Circle

Summary: After a hardworking life with nothing to show for it, Felix Zhao just wants to enjoy the little things. Read some good books, watch some ridiculous sitcoms, relax in a bath smelling like flowers. Things like that. And with his contract with Heartfelt Entertainment only having two measly years left to it, he decides that it's time to put his plan in action. It's not like he's getting any roles, anyway. (a standalone novel set in the same 'verse as OUR SWEET DAYS)

Genres: Interstellar, Omegaverse, Comedy, Slice of Life

Main Pairing: M/M (Alpha/Alpha)


Picture Perfect

Summary: In which 2 conmen try to con each other, both doing so without somehow realizing the other is also a conman.

Genres: BL, Romance, Comedy, Slice of Life, Contemporary

Main Pairing: M/M


Hollow Hearts

Summary: Abandoned during a mission to an ancient ruin by his fellow mercenaries, Claude finds himself trapped in the dark underground labyrinth. His only companion is a humanoid golem, still guarding the labyrinth centuries after it fell into disrepair.

Genres: BL, Fantasy, Horror

Main Pairing: M/M

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