"At an early age I learned that people make mistakes, and at a certain point you have to decide if their mistakes are bigger than your love for them or................."


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"Sometimes, fond memories hurt the most................"

Post their grandmother's death, the conversation between the three of them was not even made for the namesake...
But antithecally there was a time when these three used to take pleasure in having heart to heart with one another. In their growing years they used to spend the whole day in chattering and watching Disney cartoons together.....

Their grandmother, Mrs. Jamuna Rao, had two sons. Elder one named Raghav was married to Megha while the younger one Rajnish was married to Siddhi.
Raghav - Megha's son Jai was the eldest grandchild of Rao family.
Adishri, born to Rajnish - Siddhi, was 4 years younger than Jai.
The whole family used to live together...... but unfortunately God had some other plans. Therefore soon the tough times for Mrs. Jamuna Rao began from the moment, when her younger daughter-in-law Siddhi passed away the very next day after giving birth to her second daughter Manjiri.....

Just as Mrs. Rao was somehow able to cope up with such a great grief, that after almost three years, she also lost her younger son Rajnish in a car accident.....
In the wake of Rajnish's death, all the circumstances of the house took a quick 180 degree turn in a trice without any notice. And in that being the case, the huge responsibility of running the house solely and looking after the parentless little Adishri and Manjiri, landed upon Raghav' shoulders. And this particular thing ultimately started bothering Megha a lot and as a consequence, this lead to day to day household arguments relating to funds and other liabilities.
In meanwhile Adishri and Manjiri's maternal uncle proposed a offer in front of Mrs. Jamuna Rao to take both the little girls with him to the girls' maternal grandparents' home, but Mrs. Rao did not want to get separated from her beloved younger son's only precious last assets, so she flatly refused that proposal.
And this decision of Mrs. Rao eminently irked Megha in a hellish extreme way, which caused nothing but a huge disturbance within the family and house's peace.

And then suddenly one day, Raghav - Megha took a rapid strategical decision to move to Lucknow permanently, and without a thought mercilessly put forward an ungenerous condition in front of Mrs. Rao that she would be allowed to accompany them only when she would send Adishri (8 years old) and Manjiri (3 years old) to their maternal grandparents' place for always , otherwise the couple along with their 12 years old son Jai would shift to Lucknow for evermore.
But at then for Mrs. Rao nothing in her life was more important than her little granddaughters,..... so with a helpless heavy heart she just feebly watched her elder son distancing from her, along with his wife and son.

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