Chapter Sixty-Two: The Trauma

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Can we at least reach 10 comments in this chapter, loves? :)


Ozge shouted as she and Gultem went inside the room, running towards Can and Efe.

Ozge stood beside Can, who held her hand and pulled her gently.

"Stay close to me, Ozge," Can whispered.

Ozge smiled and squeezed his hand.

"Always," she said.

"Oh, Ozge, my sweet, sweet, Ozge," Timoteo frowned. "I still love you, Ozge. I love you so much that I'm giving you a second chance. Leave Can for me, and I will let you live. I can give you a good life too, Ozge. I can love you and give you and your family the life you've always dreamt of and more. Just say you love me again."

"I never loved you, Timoteo," Ozge said through gritted teeth. "And I regret every moment I spent with you."

A tear fell down Timoteo's cheek as he shook with anger. He pointed his gun at Can and Ozge.

"So be it," he said and pulled the trigger.

It was as if time slowed as Can shielded Ozge, ready to take the bullet, when Efe stood in front of him and caught it, hitting him below the chest. Can watched Efe fall, stunned, as some of his cousin's blood got on him. Gultem shouted and ran beside Efe.

"Efe!" Ozge exclaimed and ran to him.

Just then, the police car's siren could be heard downstairs, letting them know the police have arrived. Timoteo and Kerem immediately ran and took off, leaving Can, Ozge, Gultem, and the now wounded Efe in the room.

"My love, my love, you'll be fine, you'll be fine," Gultem said as tears fell down her cheeks, as she tried to stop the blood gushing out of Efe. "We'll drive you to the hospital right now. Can and I will carry you to the car first, okay?"

Gultem turned to Ozge.

"Ozge, take the keys from Can's pocket, he seems to be in shock," Gultem said, noticing how Can froze.

Tears fell down Can's eyes as he watched Efe, mortified by the state that he's in. Can didn't seem to hear anything that was going on around him. The sound was muffled. And all he could hear was Guldem, his biological mother's voice, in his head.

I killed your father, Guldem's voice said, laughing.

I killed your beloved's father, Guldem laughed once more. How can you show yourself in front of Ozge, knowing your own mother killed her father? How could you live with yourself, Can Yaman? You changed your name, didn't you? You changed your name to forget about being the son of a murderer. Giancarlo Milani is the mask you wore, the show you put on for everyone to think you're good. To think you're worthy of love. To think...

"Can!" Ozge said, holding his face, interrupting Guldem's voice in his head. "Can, snap out of it. We have to take Efe to the hospital. Come on."

Hearing Ozge's voice was a breath of fresh air for Can. He nodded as he helped Gultem pick Efe up as they made their way to the car.


"Mr. Serkan's wounds have now been dressed and he's fine despite them."

The doctor, who wore a lab coat and eyeglasses, and balding hair, said.

"He's just resting for now and you can visit him," the doctor said.

"Thank you so much," Hande said.

"If you'll excuse me, Miss Ercel and Miss Pamuk," the doctor said and he left.

Hande sat down and breathed a sigh of relief. Melisa took her sling bag from the chair and hung it on her shoulder.

"Hande, I think I should go," Melisa said. "Serkan seems to be fine now and you're there to be with him. So..."

Melisa turned to leave when Hande stood up.

"Won't you wait for him to wake up?" Hande smiled as Melisa turned around to face her. "I'm sure he'll be asking for you when he wakes up."

"I don't need to be here anymore," Melisa said. "Besides, I have a flight back to Istanbul tomorrow. I have to get my things ready."

"Oh, really?" Hande frowned. "I guess I should let you go then."

Melisa gave her a half smile.

"Melisa, thank you," Hande said. "Thank you for taking care of Serkan when I was away."

Melisa felt the pang in her chest again and she gathered all her strength to ignore it.

"You're welcome," Melisa said, softly. "Anyway, I'm going. Tell Serkan goodbye for me."

Melisa left, leaving Hande outside of Serkan's hospital room. She ran to the elevator, thanking the heavens she was the only one in it, and cried as the doors closed.

Goodbye, Serkan. Goodbye, almost lover.


"Doctor, how is Efe?"

Gultem asked Doctor Leonzio Oscuro, a family friend of the Sezens.

Ozge stood beside her, eager to hear the news.

"We're doing the very best we can, Gultem," Doctor Leonzio said, taking off his face mask. "The operation will be done in two hours. You can wait here until then."

"Thank you so much, Dr. Leonzio," Gultem said, and Leonzio left.

Ozge and Gultem both looked at Can, who was still in a daze.

"I'll go check on Can," Ozge said.

"Yes, please, Ozge," Gultem said. "This must be very hard for him too. I'll go get us food from the convenience store."

"Thank you, Gultem," Ozge said, then Gultem left.

Ozge slowly sat down beside Can and held his hand, he closed his eyes at her touch.

"Are you okay?" Ozge asked, softly. "The doctor said the operation will be done in two hours. We can just wait for a while, Gultem is also buying our food."

"Seeing Efe in that state... It triggered a lot of trauma," Can said, his voice shaking. "I heard Mom's voice. How she confessed she killed Dad and she killed your father, Ozge. And I... I'm a son of a murderer. I'm no good. I'm a fake. I'm not Giancarlo Milani, billionaire CEO. I'm Can Yaman, the son of a murderer."

"Shhhhh," Ozge said, holding his face. "You're not bad, Can. You're a good person that bad things happen to. But that doesn't make you bad. You're Can Yaman, the kindest, most loving person I know. And Efe is blessed to have a best friend and cousin like you."

Can hugged Ozge, breaking down all his walls before her. For the first time in five years, he was glad to be vulnerable.


TEAM HANDE OR TEAM MELISA??? Hahaha comment your team, loves! I hope we reach at least 10 comments today :(

Alsooo, Timoteo and Kerem are on the run. And Melisa is heartbroken and is going back to Istanbul. Is Can ready to trust Ozge again? Stay tuned!

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