Chapter Fifty-Eight: Rainy Night, Sad Confession

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"Can, are we really going back to Istanbul tomorrow?"

Gultem asked Giancarlo as they sat in the living room of Efe and Gultem's suite.

Giancarlo looked at her and sighed.

"I can't stay here forever, Gultem," Giancarlo said. "Besides, I wanna visit Dad's grave. I miss him."

"What about Ozge?" Efe asked.

"What about her?"

"Can, come on. You can do that pretentious crap with everyone but you can't fool us," Efe said sternly. "We know you're still in love with Ozge."

Giancarlo sighed and got up.

"I'll just go to the beach," he said.

"But it's drizzling," Gultem said.

Giancarlo sneered and waved goodbye as he closed the door, leaving Efe and Gultem in the room.


Giancarlo stood before the ocean as the waves rocked back and forth before him. He watched the ocean as if the memories played in them, played in his head over and over.

He was angry. He was sad. He knew everything he felt. And all of them kept him from being vulnerable over the years. He was strong. Or at least he thought he was. Until...

"This place seems so far from Rome, isn't it?"

Ozge said, crossing her arms as she stood next to him. He looked at her and tears welled up in his eyes. His walls fell down again.

Not again.

He turned to walk far from her when...

"I love you," Ozge said, making Giancarlo stop in his tracks.

Giancarlo turned to face her and he found Ozge looking at him like how she looked at him five years ago. The rain started to pour harder as if on cue. Giancarlo walked away and Ozge ran after him as she opened her umbrella, catching up to Giancarlo.

Giancarlo stopped and broke down, clutching his knees for support. Ozge immediately put the umbrella over him, saving him from the rain. Giancarlo looked at her with anger and stood up.

"Stay there, Ozge," he said. "Don't you dare follow me."

"Can, let's go. You're gonna get sick---"

"Screw that!" Giancarlo shouted, knocking the umbrella from Ozge's hands. "There you go again! You go and tear down my walls as if the five years I built them were nothing! Cause that's where you're good at, Ozge! You're good at getting me! One smile, one dance, one song, one 'I love you', and there my plans are ruined. Suddenly my world is spinning again. Suddenly you're all I see again. What the heck, Ozge?! I'm a smart guy, I graduated from University with Latin honors, but I'm so stupid when it comes to you! What's gonna happen if I got back together with you? My world's gonna stop for you again? I'm gonna waste more years of my life?"

Ozge stared at him as tears fell down from her eyes.

"Did you know that Efe and Gultem are getting married? And me? Still trying to get up, to take back everything I lost when you left me," Giancarlo said, tears streaming down his face.

"Can, I'm sorry," Ozge said softly.

"And what makes that sorry different from all your other 'sorrys'?" Giancarlo said. "I gave you everything, Ozge. I turned my back on my mom for you. Even the five years we weren't together, I spent it trying to move on from you, to move on from the pain you left me. After everything we went through, not once did I ever think about leaving you. Even when you thought you killed Demet! Not once, Ozge! But you only needed one thing to give up. To leave. And never come back."

Giancarlo's tears went with the rain that fell on his cheeks. For the first time in five years, he felt vulnerable.

"I needed you to fight for us that time. Because I couldn't do it alone. That even though a thousand threats came our way, you wouldn't leave because you know we can do everything together," Giancarlo said, trying to get the words out through the sobs. "Because you love me! Because I love you!"

"Can, I still love you! I still love you!"

"But one threat from Diletta was enough for you to leave me. Is that your love, Ozge? How could you give up so easily? How did you not find a reason to stay?"

Ozge looked down as the tears never seemed to stop.

"I will never let you consume me again," Giancarlo said, wiping his face. "I'm going back to Istanbul. I never wanna see you ever again."

Giancarlo walked past Ozge as he ran back to the hotel, leaving Ozge in the rain.

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