Chapter Forty-Nine: There's No More Us

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"Alright, Rosanna. I'm going there right now."

Ozge said through the phone. She was now getting ready to go to Strawberry Place when her doorbell rang. She said goodbye to Rosanna and hang up as she opened the door, shocked to see who it was.

"Efe? Gultem?" Ozge said, wide-eyed.

"Ozge, can we come in?" Gultem smiled.

"Of course," Ozge said, leading them inside.

"How are Mrs. Perran and Yaren, Ozge? Are they okay?" Efe asked as they all sat down on the couch in the living room.

Ozge was across Efe and Gultem, their Rize teas in front of them.

"They're doing good. They're gonna come here next week actually," Ozge said. "Yaren just passed the bar exam and wants to be a lawyer here in Italy, so..."

"That's great," Gultem said. "Ozge, I'm sure you have a lot of questions. You can ask them."

Ozge sighed heavily.

"The last thing I heard was the Yaman Group went bankrupt because of what happened with Diletta. When she died. The merging of Yaman Group and Leotta Group went downhill," Ozge said. "That's why I was so shocked to see that Can now owns Milani Group. And he changed his name. I never imagined him to be like this."

"Pain changes a person," Gultem said, softly.

"A lot has happened in Can's life over the course of time, Ozge. It all started when Can's foster mother appeared," Efe said.

"Foster mother?" Ozge said, wide-eyed. "Wait, what happened to Guldem? Is that why Can changed his name to Giancarlo Milani?"

"Guldem is in prison, Ozge. Finally," Gultem said. "I'm really sorry for everything she did to you and Can. You didn't deserve any of it. And I didn't know that Aunt Guldem was that evil. Can has been... distant ever since what happened at your wedding, and him finding out all of the things his mother did. It was just too much for him. We don't really even see him that much anymore. For the past five years, he's been drowning himself with work again. And when we do see him, sometimes he's in a good mood, sometimes he shuts us out like we don't even exist. We don't understand him anymore."

A tear fell down on Ozge's cheek as she imagined Can being all alone. Like how she found him. But this time it was partly her fault.

"That's why we're trying to bring him back. Like who he was before," Efe said. "We still believe that the old Can will be back. The happy Can. The one who believed in love and friendship and hope."

Ozge wiped her tears, clearing her throat.

"I'm sorry," she said, fighting back tears. "I'm so sorry."

"We've forgiven you, Ozge. Five years ago," Gultem said, sitting down next to Ozge. "We know you have a reason why you ran away at your wedding. Whatever that reason may be. We know you're not a bad person, Ozge."

"It was Diletta," Ozge said, wiping tears once more. "Diletta threatened to kill Can at our wedding if I didn't run away. I didn't know she died that day. I only knew about her death a week later."


8:00 PM

Serkan walked along the streets of Civitavecchia, passing by the different night markets. He loved walking in this small city, it made him somehow irrelevant. The night sky was visible now and the stars were above him.

Peaceful, Serkan thought.

He stopped by his favorite sandwich stand, beside the sea at the port of Civitavecchia when a familiar voice called him.

Tatlı Aşk (Sweet Love) (Can & Ozge) Where stories live. Discover now