Chapter 24 - Don'ts

Start from the beginning

“He died..” said Jisoo in tears. “He passed away five years ago..”

Taehyung couldn’t say anything at first.

He would have expected all things but this..

Did he hear her right? Did she just say.. that Jhope is gone? Her bestfriend?

“W-what do you mean, Jisoo? How could it happen-..?” he stuttered as he started to understand what she said.

Jhope died? Why? When? How?

He looked really happy back then.. he was very young.. he was full of energy..

How could someone like him die all of a sudden?

Jisoo broke into tears while thinking of the past.

Taehyung hugged her tightly in his arms and Jisoo told him everything that happened that day five years ago..

When it happened.. how she found him dead.. and the trauma she developed after that..

“I’m sorry..” said Taehyung pulling himself a little to look at her face. “I’m really sorry Jisoo.. I didn’t know anything..”

He feels so stupid for leaving her during the most difficult time of her life..

Her mom died.. they broke up because of his parents.. and Jhope whom he thought would be the person who could comfort her killed himself adding more pain to her..

He should have never let her go that time.. he should have never left her..

He should have stayed with her till the end..

“You went through a lot.. I’m sorry Jisoo..” he said as he sat next to her and let her head fall on his shoulder. “I’m really.. really sorry..”

He can’t imagine how it was for her.. her bestfriend whom she cherished a lot hid his pain from her and committed a grave thing.. and she, who was looking forward to meet him, found him dead herself..

She must have been really shocked.. no wonder her trauma got severe..

Poor Jisoo.. she was all alone fighting for herself..

It must have been really difficult..

He let her cry until she eventually fell asleep on his shoulder.

She must have tired herself from all that crying..

A few moments later, he carefully lifted her head with both hands trying to lay her down the couch but  to his surprise, Jisoo suddenly wrapped her arms around him before putting her face against his chest and making his back fall on the couch.

Taehyung held his breath.

He knows he shouldn’t be feeling happy right now but feeling her warm breathing against his chest is making his heart leap with joy.

He missed her like this.

He missed seeing her fall asleep beside him..

He missed this sensation..

He badly missed her..


Jisoo opened her eyes and found herself laying down the couch with a blanket over her.

She slowly got up and looked around the house.

She must have fallen asleep here.. that’s right.. she did have a long night last night and-..

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