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Some days, Sicheng sat outside on the balcony at midnight, looking out the city view. Everything was so serene and beautiful. Cars that were headed home late at night had their lights on, lighting up the road. On office buildings, every window was glowing with white lights, resembling decorations on a Christmas tree. A drop of water fell on the top of his nose, followed by a few more drops. Soon, a rhythmic patter of rain was playing against the roof of his home. The rain soaked his hair and clothes, goosebumps formed on his skin, but Sicheng didn't budge. Instead, he appreciated the calm sound of rain, and inhaled the air.

The tranquil moment contrasted with his bland, lonely day. It was a continuous cycle; he went to work, sometimes went shopping, didn't call anyone and returned home. Amongst the peace, it gave Sicheng time to think about the possible turnouts of his life.

How would things be if Yuta was still alive?

Could Sicheng have stopped Yuta from smoking?

Would they still have been together?

Would Yuta still love Sicheng like the day they first met?

"Of course I would angel. You're the only one I could ever love."

"If you loved me, why did you still keep smoking, even though I hated it and wanted you to stop?"

No response.

Sicheng scoffed.

"I'm sorry, angel."

As much as Sicheng wanted to stay angry with Yuta, he didn't have it in him.

"If only you were still alive, here with me. Don't worry though, I'll be joining you soon."

Before Yuta could reply, he had vanished, and Sicheng was left alone with his thoughts once again.

"I will join you, Yuta."

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