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It's not that Sicheng's colleagues at his office job were bad. They were all nice and tried to include Sicheng whenever they were doing something. However, the Chinese simply didn't want them to feel obliged to include him in whatever they did. Be could see they didn't want Sicheng to feel left out, so-called him over to talk or partake in activities. To not disappoint them, he would join in, but straight after, return to his work.

"Hey, Sicheng! Want to join us for a little game of beer pong?" Jaehyun called out.

"Jaehyun, seriously? Beer pong in an office?" scolded Jungwoo.

"Not much else to do at a boring job like this. Besides, I asked our boss and he said it's fine," responded Ten. "So, Sicheng, join us or nah?"

The Chinese male forced a smile. "Sure."






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After the game ended, they got a small speech from their boss about maintaining their behaviour, but nothing too severe. They all got back to work with smiles and giggles, except for Sicheng. The second he was seated at his desk, he bore his usual straight features as he continued with his work. The place he sat was a bit further from the rest, so they wouldn't see him.

The rest of the workers got on well as they laughed and made work more bearable, but Sicheng didn't try to mix with them. Instead, he kept to himself and worked in complete silence. He tried convincing himself he enjoyed the serene quality of work, where no one disturbed him, but it was no use. Sicheng despised the silence but didn't want to make a fool out of himself in front of the rest. So he stayed to himself, the piles of work accompanying him.

Then, the voice came again.

"Baby, why don't you talk to them? don't you feel lonely working with no communication?"

"I've been fine for the last two years, Yuta. I'll be fine."

Jungwoo was walking past Sicheng's unit when he heard the male tall to himself. He peeped his head inside the Chinese's office.

"Who you talking to?" he inquired.

Snapping back to reality, Sicheng turned in his spinning chair and faced Jungwoo. "No one, I was just thinking of something."

"If you say so..." responded Jungwoo as he walked away.

Exasperating, Sicheng rubbed his temples as he felt a headache forming.

"I'm worried for you, angel."

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