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His dreams were filled with Yuta and his cheerful personality. The various dates they went on played like a movie as he recalled the kisses and hugs they shared. Whenever he was with the Japanese male, he felt alive again, and craved to receive the elder's attention. Sicheng always received the love he desired, and he always returned it in equal amounts to Yuta. It was heaven.

The happiness of Sicheng's dreams vanished as they were replaced by endless darkness. Flashes of light appeared, and revealed moments from that horrible scene that occurred three years ago. Livid memories haunted him and wouldn't leave him alone.

Sicheng could always clearly remember the day he returned home from work to silence. Bad silence. Everything was still; no noise no nothing. He opened the door and looked around to see where Yuta was, but had arrived home to a horrible surprise. Lying on the floor of their room was Yuta with his eyes closed, sprawled out on the carpet.

"I thought it was some sick joke you were playing on me," Sicheng's voice choked out as the tears had built up. "I tried waking you up, but I couldn't."

He'd immediately called the hospital and an ambulance, only to find out he was an hour late.

"The doctor told me I'd arrived home too late, and that you were gone from a stroke," started Sicheng as he angrily wiped the tears. "If you spoke to me you would've never started smoking those stupid cigarettes."

"And you'd still be here with me, comforting me, talking to me and making more memories with me."

From an outsider's perspective, it would've looked like Sicheng was going crazy. He was alone in his living room, pulling at his hair and crying hysterically as he was curled on his sofa. The Chinese male was simply grieving. Despite it being three years without Yuta's presence, it didn't mean Sicheng was able to move on.

"I witnessed you smoke the pain away, even though I was willing to listen. Now you should watch me do the same."

The ghost of Yuta let a solemn tear roll down his cheek. He reached forward to wipe the tears off Sicheng's face, just like how he would've done so if he were human. However, he couldn't touch Sicheng as his fingers merely went through the younger's cheek. Sicheng felt a gust of wind brush his face instead.

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