Bombs in the city

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 Reyna toppled over, falling out of her bed. "Wake everyone else up. Call Commander Clarisse la Rue. I'll be up in a minute," she said, fully awake. They nodded, and ducked out of the door, shutting it. Reyna hastily put on her uniform and rushed out on deck. It was a clear night, and it looked much too innocent to harbor such bad news.  "Cap'n, the lines are cut. We ain't getting through to anyone. They say they've got eves on us, so we can't sail too close to the harbor or they'll set off the trigger. Your call, cap'n. What do we do?" Travis said, Connor with him this time. "What do they want?" Reyna said, walking forward to the others. "two hundred million cash," Connor said. Reyna whirled around. two hundred million dollars? That was enough to buy a fourth of LA, Reyna thought. "And whoever threatened you expects us to hand it over? Not the government? 200 million would probably not even make a dent in their dumb empire. Why not just ask them?" She asked. Connor and Travis exchanged glances. "Because there was an alternative, but it's unsuggestible." Reyna raised her eyebrows. Unsuggestible, even for the twins? That meant that this person was only giving them one option. But how would they come up with that much money? 

"Captain, the person says they want it by sunrise," Vera reported, phone to ear.  Reyna gulped. She doubted they could scrape up eighty million with a work of the hardest jobs and shifts for a month. And they had only about an hour and a half until their deadline. Then, it struck her. They must know that giving them money is entirely impossible, that's just another threat on top of the bomb. They weren't giving Reyna's squad a choice, they were giving her an ultimatum.  Something even the Stoll brothers refused to mention, or watch their city burn worse than the underworld?

Reyna knew what she had to do, but she didn't like it. That much money..she had barely half of that in her bank account, and she couldn't ask her team to give up a single penny on her choice. "Cap'n, he wants me to put it on speaker," Vera said and pressed the button. A noise came out, a bit garbled, "Reyna Ramirez-Arelanno, you have three choices. Which do you pick?"
Reyna pursed her lips. "Connor. Tell me the alternative." She demanded.  He fingered the end of his shirt uncertainly, and said, "Uh, well, he wants us to..uh..kill...the..president..." 

A/N- yes it's short.  Yes, it's a deadly cliffhanger. yes, I'm not going to post five minutes later. But I will post again no matter how little time I swear.

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