Memories Surface

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"I need to leave," mumbled Thalia, as Reyna stared at the floor in shock. See, Reyna andThalia had been best friends in some of elementary and all through middle school, but in eighth grade, Thalia had started dating a drug addict.

                 Of course, nobody knew it then, but they knew after he was arrested. Luke Castellan. He had some seriously bad ju-ju. He was abusive, too, and right after Thalia had graduated, he was supposedly drunk (though Reyna didn't believe that for a second), and knocked her out, giving her amnesia. 

                 She didn't remember her mom, Jason, Annabeth, Reyna, or Luke. So she'd been told almost everything, except how she'd known Reyna before, because Reyna made Jason promise since Thalia had thought that Reyna had revealed a huge secret to the whole school, when it had been this jerkface, Octavian from history class. But the old Thalia had hated her for it, and never learned the truth.

                     If she found out now...who knows what she'd do. She'd probably hate Reyna for supposedly telling everyone, and she'd hate Reyna even more because Reyna had lied. But She'd lied for a good reason...right? It was to protect their relationship. Reyna hadn't done anything...At least, she thought she hadn't.

      "Thals, where you going? It's your turn!"  Leo called. "I said, I need to leave," repeated Thalia loudly and stomped down the stairs. Reyna's brain finally started working, and she scrambled after her, the others hot on her heels. 

Thalia's POV. Sort of.

Thanla an out of the building, shuddering. Her brain had been suddenly flooded with horrible, painful memories with Luke. She remembered the time they'd first met when he was a good guy. He'd been sweet, caring, and smart. Who didn't like a guy like that?

            So they'd started dating. But then, after about a month, he changed. He became colder and colder, more distant each day. Then, after another week, Thalia had asked what was wrong, and he'd...he hit her. With a broken bottle. It had left a horrible scar along her right shoulder blade. 

          She realized where she was walking and stopped. She was about to walk into the side of a building. Another wave of nausea hit her, following that searing pain in the side of her head, like the day she'd been hit with the frying pan. Breathing shakily, she stood up. Her legs trembled. The air felt colder, and it hurt to breathe. 

 She tried to gather herself when she heard something moving behind her. She whirled around and sighed with relief when she heard a harmless meow. She turned around, ready to leave, when a hand slipped over her mouth, muffling her startled shriek, and pulled her into the shadows, knocking her out. 

A/N~ Hola Amigos y Amigas, sorry about the wait for his chapter, I kind of lost inspiration for the story. 

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