Capture the Flag

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The horn blew. The game had begun. "Thalia, follow the others running towards the other castle. Find a girl with golden eyes, and chocolate brown hair-her name is Hazel Levesque. She'll tell you what to do. I have to hold down the fort" Reyna said quickly. Thalia nodded, and Reyna watched as she ran down the steps as fast as an alley cat. Reyna, after making sure there was no immediate threat, started down the steps and came to the small weapons arena with dark purple walls that had broken arrow shafts, and splatters of gold, red, green, orange, and blue paint all over them. this room had seen a lot of battles. She grabbed her trust bow-the one with her name on it and a purple ribbon tied around its wooden part and grinned. This bow had helped her win the first match of her life, and it was going to help her again. She grabbed probably five or six quivers full to the brim with arrows and started to the front gates, where teenagers in purple sat, bows at the ready, fiddling with their quiver straps. "Reyna," said a voice, and Reyna turned to see a dark-and-curly-haired boy with a bottle of kool-aid smiling at her. "Dakota..slow down on the kool-aid. We've got a full twenty-four hours at least on this game, and there won't be more if you run out. Now, what's the position on the enemy?"
              Dakota frowned, putting down the bottle, and said, "scouts just came in. Hazel's leading a stealth attack while creating a huge distraction in the castle. It'll be like one large group creates a distraction, another group sneaks in, gets caught in all the traps, and leads everyone on a wild goose chase, while the last, smallest group tries to get the flags. It's risky, but they'll never see it coming." Dakota explained. "alright. So we're okay for now. Add a few more scouts to the basement, and have a sniper posted at every window. I don't want a single outsider stepping into here without my knowing." Reyna said calmly, hoping the others would relax a bit in her presence. She felt uncomfortable that everyone always acted too vigilant around her. She may be general and all, but still. These people were her family. Didn't they know that?
     Thalia ran down the stairs at top speed. Hazel Levesque? Hmm. She didn't like the way Reyna sounded when she described Hazel though, as if Hazel was the best, most trustworthy person in the universe. Jealousy? hmm? taunted a strange voice from the back of her mind. Thalia turned a deep shade of red and whispered out loud, "I don't get jealous! hmph," and stormed away to the troops lining up, getting ready to invade. She noticed it was getting dark and smiled to herself. She'd always liked the calm, quiet power of the night. Thalia spotted a girl yelling instructions to the crowd at the front and realized she matched Reyna's description. Thalia listened to the instructions. "- large group creates a distraction, another group sneaks in, gets caught in all the traps, and leads everyone on a wild goose chase, while the last, smallest group tries to get the flags. It's risky, but they'll never see it coming." Hazel was explaining. "Get ready, folks. the scouts will come by in a few minutes. Get your paintballs ready. 2,000,000 dollars are at stake here. We can't afford to lose that much from each player. So, We'll have to win." Thalia's eyes widened. Two million dollars? And Reyna accepted the high stakes in this game? I thought I was the irrational one..huh.  The crowd started loading themselves with their best bows, and largest quivers. Thalia walked up to Hazel. "Hazel Levesque?"Thalia asked, and Hazel looked up, picking up a shield instinctively, then relaxed when she saw Thalia's uniform. "Oh, hey. I don't think I know you. Are you new?" Hazel asked. Thalia nodded, then said, "Reyna told me to find you, she said you'd tell me what to do since she had to keep the defenses sharp." Thalia's voice seemed a little cold, but Hazel didn't seem to notice. "Ah, Reyna. Well, I guess there's a reason she didn't keep you back there. There's always a reason for things she does. Anyways, I'm going to assume you were the one rustling by the oak trees back there and not someone else, so you already know what we're planning. You're in the largest and first distraction group. Just go over there," Hazel said, pointing over to a large group of about forty teenagers horsing around. Thalia nodded grudgingly, then trotted over to the group of teenagers. "Hey there, not sure I know you, I'm Jason." said a voice, and Thalia whipped around, finding her very own brother staring at her in shock. "Thalia? What are you doing here?" Jason asked, laughing, and slinging his arm over to her, and they sat down by the map the others in their group were inspecting near a torch. Thalia studied the map. Nothing too complicated, but more defenses than she'd expect. "Reyna plays this game, so I wanted to as well," said Thalia, shrugging. "You could've told me you played this!" said Thalia, laughing. "Ah," said Jason, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively at Thalia. "Shut up!" Groaned Thalia, and Jason chuckled. In the torchlight, his blonde hair practically glowed, and his electric blue eyes shined, and Thalia could see he was wearing contacts instead of his glasses. "Alright, gang! The scouts have reported a large group moving towards the castle! Now's the time to attack! Group one, Go, go, GO!" Said a male voice, and Thalia looked over to see a large, muscular teenager, maybe twenty at the most, with dark black, spiky hair, standing next to Hazel, who was shuffling through papers. "Let's move out!" he said, and Thalia's group packed up quickly, and they started moving, running through the forests at top speed. Thalia didn't know the last time she felt this thrill. Maybe it was that time she'd decided to go ziplining? No, that wasn't nearly like what she felt like now. She felt at home. Like this was what her body had been yearning to do. Even with the heavy quiver, everyone seemed fine. 
               The castle was as big as Thalia's base, if not bigger. A boy with jet black hair and green eyes shot an arrow at one of the windows, and with a lucky shot, actually managed to hit someone. A few moments of silence and all hades broke loose. A huge, overwhelming group stormed out, armed to the brim, and everyone raised their shields, a few brave ones took out a few enemies, who yelled in frustration and left the battlefield, probably to Chiron and Mr. D, to check out and go home. Thalia caught the eye of a murderous kid with an eye patch on his left eye, and he yelled and aimed for her. In a flash, Jason was there, taking the hit with his shield. "You're lucky I saw you in time. You get one strike and you're dead, sis. This isn't just a game to us. This is war." Jason said, and a flash of aggressiveness came onto his face that made him look like someone you'd happily face rabid dogs or wolves than take him. "so, yeah," Jason said, back to his normal self. "here, I don't get how they work, but slip this watch on, and when you press the button on the side, it'll turn into a shield. Press the button again to turn it into a watch," he said, handing her one from her pocket, then grunting as his shield was hit with another arrow. "Thanks," said Thalia gratefully, and charged into the battle. 

        Reyna watched from the tower carefully, as he took out one, to, three, four...five, and six soldiers in a minute. This wasn't the fight she'd been expecting. Her gut twisted in fear. Thalia had been sent out as the largest distraction group, but is the brunt of the enemy's forces wasn't here..was the other group facing it? She hoped not. Sure, capture the flag was played with paint, but there were almost always casualties. One kid ended up losing part of his finger, another ended up in the hospital for a few weeks, and another had taken a nasty hit to the head, resulting in a loss of sanity. She'd always felt bad for Jacob, but there was nothing that could be done. After she shot down two more of the enemy, she heard someone coming up the stairs, none too stealthily, Reyna noticed. She readied her bow, and before seeing who it was, she let her arrow fly. "Jeez Reyna! Just me!" said a voice, and she saw it was Malcolm, a small, scrawny but smart boy on her team, with blazing blue eyes and sharp blonde hair like Thalia's brother and her fellow General, Jason. "Malcolm, you scared me half to death, you booger. what's wrong?" Reyna asked, fluffing his hair, glad that if you got hit by you're own team's arrows, it didn't count. Malcolm was useless on the battlefield, but an amazing spy. "It's the large distraction group," Malcolm said, his face grim. Reyna's eyes widened, hoping it wasn't what she thought it was. "The other team's doe something nobody's ever done before. they've taken prisoners. about 30% were outed, 40% escaped...but the rest...they were taken." Reyna scowled deeply upon hearing this. Thalia could have been outed, or she could have escaped, or she could have been held, prisoner. And Reyna had no idea which. "Tell everyone who escaped to come here and double defenses. I'm going out there," she said after a few moments of silence. "But general-" Malcolm protested, but she shushed him. "I'm not hearing any protests. get the best archer you can find and have them take my post. and remember, not a word about me leaving, alright?" 

                      Reyna was off. Running to the palace brimming with fear and fury. How dare they take prisoners? It was against the CTF (Capture the flag) code! Several people tried to ambush her but to no avail. Once she set her mind to something, Reyna Avila Ramirez-Arellano WOULD succeed. She saw the palace and then spotted the weak defense on the outside-perhaps the large distraction group had done more than distract and taken out a lot of members? Reyna moved swiftly and silently through the giant palace's corridors, trying to find the prisoners and avoid being seen. Then she saw a large door that was slightly ajar, with steps leading down to somewhere. Making a split second decision, Reyna bolted down there. 

         The stairway was dimly lit, and very deep. after what felt like ten minutes of walking, reyna finally touched down on the ground. Cobblestone, and some parts of the flor were wet. Reyna's heart stopped. It could be paint...but it could be blodd as well. This team was known for their "accidents". If they'd hurt her team..Reyna couldn't bear to think about it, but she had to know. So she grabbed a torch off the wall, and lowered it to inspect. 

     Reyna sighed in relif. Just paint. Golden paint. Looks like my team put up a fight. Reyna thought proudly. Reyna walked down the halls, full qivers on her shoulder, bow in hand, an arrow in another. She came accross cells in the walls. Inside was a girl with dirty blonde hair A/N- not with dirt from the scuttle, to be clear. Like, dirty blonde dirty blone. YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN. and startling grey eyes. She looked up at Reyna in relief. "annabeth, what did they do?" Asked Reyna, coming up to the bars. "I'm not sure, general. Percy and I were trying to find an open spot to get inside, when we heard a yell. we looked back, and then everything went black. I woke up in here. I heard someone yelling, 'what are you planning?' then I heard general Jason deny any sort of plan, and tat this was what they had been doing." Annabeth said sadly. "I'm sorry, Reyna." 

        Reyna was in shock. She was thankfull Jason hadn't given anything up, of course, but this was horrible. This level of comptettitiveness...horrible.  She pulled out a hiarpin from her pocket and began picking the lock. "Listen carefully, Annabeth. I'm freeing you now. I want you to get two more people free, it dosen't matter who they are, as long as you trust them, and go back. Go to base, and warn everyone about what's going on. Bring reinforcements. I'll make sure nobody's hurt and try to free everyone as quick as possible, but this is a lot of people." Reyna said, and swung the door open. Annabeth took out her own hairpin and brandished it. "And they say hairpins are for girlies." she said, ginning, and ran off. Reyna watched her go, then started down the tunnel, running quickly, searching for blue eyes. 

      A light caught her attention, and she stopped at one of the cells. They were built in clups, and Annabeth had been in a clump, but she was the only one in there. Reyna walked inside the small tunnel, and in front of her faced three prison doors. "Hello?" called a familiar voice. "Thalia!" Reyna cried, and rushed to the cell at the left. "Reyna?" Thalia said, and Reyna Pressed herself at the bars as Thalia looked up, bound in chains. "What did they do?" Reyna demanded. Thalia shrugged, and said, "I was firing at a bunch of idiots ater Jason gave me a sheild, I named her Aegis by the way, getting most of 'em, and then someone grabs me and shoves a sack over my head. Knocks me out. I wake up in here, and notice I still have my quiver as they're putting eeryone in prison cells, keeping the rest of us in a bunch. I reach for my bow, sitting two inches away, and I'm tied up. I used that trick you taught me back in 10th grade, with the handcuffs, and reached for my bow. Befre those donkeys realized what was going on, I'd taken down at least seven. But then they grabbed me, shoved me in the cell, and chained me up. I'm fine though. Food here is top quality. Seriously, the spring rolls, the french toast? Mmmm. That's good eatin'. "

     Reyna sighed. She kept forgetting the other team were a bunch of teenagers, maybe some kids in their early twenties. Humans. Not monsters. Just overly competitive humans. "Thank the gods you're okay. You know I would've killed you if you hurt yourself?" She said, unlocking the door, then Thalia's chains as Thalia laughed. "good to know." she said, getting up and rubbing her sore writsts. 

     Thalia and Reyna began unlocking the rest of the cells, and soon they had their own mini army consisting of fifteen people, most of them burning with anger. "let's break them from the inside," Said Jason, who had been unlocked right after Thalia, and then, well, it'd take me a long time to describe it, but let's just say that game of CTF was a BIG win. 

A/N- yeah, I know the last paragraph was rushed, but I kind of felt like I was dragging this chapter along too far. The next chapter will be a bit more about Hartemis (Hylla x Artemis) because I feel like it. Theres gonna be lots of cringe, and I paint very good word pictures, so brace yourself.

Black Over Blue Theyna (discontinuedNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ