Reyna takes to sea

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  Reyna ran out of the building. The crisp air hurt her lungs as she gulped for air. She'd seen Thalia exit...but where was she now? "Thalia?" She called, and several people looked up from their phones and glared at her. So she did what Thalia would have done. She stuck her tongue right out them and marched back inside still with her pride, but now full of worry. 

"Reyna, you good? Wheres Thalia?" Asked Leo, coming down with the others. "That's what I'm trying to figure out.." muttered Reyna, Scrolling through her phone and selecting Thalia's name, and holding it up to her ears. A minute passed. No answer. She tried again. Another minute. Nothing. She lowered her phone, holding back tears. She'd just got back, and now this? Someone was out to get her, she knew it. 

Time skip---still Reyna's pov.

Reyna was at the port, ready to leave. She and her squad had been assigned to be one of the people going overseas to keep the harbor safe and sound. Honestly, she was pretty excited. Except, one thing kept nagging at the back of her mind. Thalia. It had been another month, and she still hadn't come back. She chuckled dryly. Her life just had to be like that, didn't it?  Nothing easy for her. She'd already said goodbye to the others and was waiting for the line to move. Then, she would be gone. Perhaps the sea would melt away her worries-at least for a little while.

As it turned out, the sea did relive her. Reyna felt great, the spray of the waved on her face, the salty smell of the sea, the wind in her hair, the- "Cap'n." someone interrupted her thoughts. She whipped around, coming face to face with Travis. It was a bit of a strange sight, seeing Travis without his twin. They'd been inseparable since day one. "Sonar's detecting something down below the boat that's keeping us from moving. Probably some kelp. Permission to go down?" he asked. "Sure. Just take someone with you and tie a rope to the ship in case you get lost. " Reyna sighed. "Yes, boss." Travis gave her a lopsided grin and vanished. Reyna shook her head, turning back to the sea, wondering how he ever got through military training school, or if he'd had an easy pass, like her.

It was three a.m. Reyna was in her cabin, fast asleep. Vera was the only one on duty. If you listened, you could hear the moans of the whales in the distance (if, of course, you could hear over Clovis's horrible and annoying snoring.) Suddenly, the door bust open, and Reyna jerked awake. "Is it zombie dolphins? Oh man I knew it, coming out here, we just had to be attacked by zombies," she said, half-asleep to Vera and Will. "Reyna, this is serious. We just got word there are bombs in the city," he said. 

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