I back away slowly asking,"W-Who are you? A-And why did you call me niña?" I avoided eye contact. I rang my hands together tightly, trying to transfer my fear to physical pain-friction. He came forward and I took two steps back. He put his hands up in surrender. "It's okay, I won't hurt you," He smiled lightly, "again.." He looked guilty about that. It brought a slight tranquility to my knotted stomach. I stayed put showing him I was okay now. He voice was so soft compared to when he shouted earlier. It was almost soothing. Almost.

He continued,"I am Mateo Garcia. I called you niña because your a kid. No reason." Mateo, that's a Spanish name right?

"M-Mateo? I-I'm Rylan." I looked down again. He was infront of me now. I was still fiddling with my hands nervously. His hand found my chin and lifted it so we made eye contact. I cringed at his touch.

"Rylan? That's a pretty name for a pretty girl." He stated, I blushed. He removed his hand from my face and took a step back. He could probably tell my discomfort from my facial expressions. I was glad, I hated physical contact.

I just gave him a tight lipped smile. And as for my breathing, it had become even now and my imhaler wasn't needed. So now that I'm calm, I decided to study him. He studied me so I thought it only fair. His black hair and green eyes were the first thing I noticed. They stood out miraculously. I was sort of mesmerised by them. His freckles were sparsely spaced out on his skin. He acknowledged me staring and raised an eyebrow at my admiring expression.

I shrugged and averted my gaze to the gravel beneath me, feeling slightly comfortable in his company. It was weird though, a grown man like him with muscular arms and a tall frame scared me at first but now I let myself relax a little. His aura was no longer threatening but I was still weary. I sighed and looked around us as if never seeing this alley before. To be honest, I have walked through this way before but not really looked at my surroundings. That's a bit dangerous I know however in those times, I was in a hurry.

I awkwardly switched my weight from foot to foot. I needed to get home before dark, before he's home. And we've been here for awhile now. I had to make up a lie. "So, um, I need to get h-home now. My m-mom will be waiting for me..." I trailed off. I didn't want to mention my dad, I never like to think about him. I try to do it as little as possible.

It seemed he only just realised that we were simply standing here, in an alley, staring at each other. He suddenly become aware again. "Oh, yes. Sorry, I'll go then too. Again I'm so sorry about the inconvenience. Be safe niña." Inconvenience my ass. I was scared to death. And besides, his voice is still familiar to me. It was starting to bug me.

He was walking past me when I, out of relfex, reached for his arm. He stopped and gave me another raised eyebrow. "Wait, please." He frowned again and turned to face me. "Your v-voice sounds so familiar, I honestly am curious as to why." I stuttered.

He sighed this time. "I have no answer kid. I don't know why maybe it was someone you heard once." No it's not that. It feels wrong. The crease inbetween my eyebrows stuck as I thought about the possibilities. I gave up. I nodded and turned to leave.


I was so late. I'm so, so dead. I sprinted, not that I was very successful in doing so but made it home in 10 minutes. The door burst open before I could open it myself and I was dragged inside. He pulled on my hair harshly as I stumbled into the house. A whimper escaped my mouth from the tight grip he had on me. My scalp burned because he kept tugging on it as we, well he, walked to the kitchen. I felt like a puppy being dragged along the floor after being a nusance. I felt like an animal and that feeling yanked away my dignity too.

"Where were you, bitch?!" He spat in my face. I cringed and tried to catch my breath.

"I-I'm s-so sorry s-sir. T-The teacher wan-wanted me to d-do some-something for t-them." I lied and he knew it. But of course I couldn't tell him where I really was could I? 'Oh I'm sorry a random dude pushed me against a wall and blah, blah'. Like no thanks.

"Do you expect me to believe that, you liar? I wasn't born yesterday! You must really like your punishments, mustn't you!" And the next thing I knew my stomach was aching and my ribs were screaming at me to do something. Anything. To stop the pain but I couldn't. Not if I wanted to die.

The blows he sent me abruptly came to a halt as he walked away. I sighed in relief. I laid my head down on the floor and turned onto my side in a fetal position to help the agony. But my relief ended the second sir came back. He was carrying a kettle? Why would he need that?

He smiled in a sadistic way at me. My chest tightened. My brain signals stopped transmitting to the rest of my body. I froze. He brought the kettle to sit upon my stomach as he kneeled down to my level. "Oh, did you think I was done with you? You stupid brat! You haven't even gotten half of what you deserve yet!" He gripped my jaw, forcing my mouth open and put the kettle to it. Where the kettle was sitting seconds before, on my thin clothing, burned. Another burn, great.

"Now, bitch, I will pour this water down your throat in hopes that no more lies come out. Am I understood? Will you lie to me again after this? Let's see..." The water was boiling hot, like no fucking bullshit, boiling hot. It trickled down my oesophagus like a waterfall of steam. It scored the inside and I gagged and gagged and gagged. I was choking then screaming but it was more like gurgling. It was horrific. I hated it and it went on forever. He spilt the whole damn kettle full of water down into my stomach and lungs. It scarred me.

The pathetic piece of plastic was thrown to the corner of the room. He let go of me, I immediately rolled over to cough the liquid back up and squeeze my throat in pain. I could pass out, I want to so bad. My hands wouldn't let go of my throat and I kept scratching at it. I can just imagine the damage this has caused. "Get out of my fucking sight, whore! I don't wanna see you until tomorrow." He pushed my head so hard against the tiled floor, I felt an icky substance. It oozed out and was red in colour. Oh my god, he made the back of my head bleed. That's dangerous, right? Right?

His footsteps disappeared as he walked out the door. It slamed and worsened my migraine. My chest heaved painfully, quickly. I was losing consciousness and finally it all went dark.


Hope you enjoyed;))

Random thought- smiling when you know your day is going well and something exciting is coming, is the best <3

Please comment on mistakes and also if you liked it!

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