"Oh no," I gasped.

"Flint wanted to make sure that nobody could ever steal his treasure, so he rigged this whole planet to blow HIGHER THAN A KALEPSIAN KITE!" B.E.N. yelled. One of the larger spires broke free and plummeted into the core. The treasure was scattered and the core split open as the spire made contact. Another laser began dragging across the surface, destroying everything in its path. The crew all ran screaming as they tried to escape. "Run! Run for your lives!" one of them shouted.

"You go back and help the Captain and Doc," Jim ordered the both of us. "If I'm not back there in five minutes, leave without me!"

He ducked under the control station and began messing with the wires underneath, no doubt attempting to hotwire it. Morph flew into my pocket to hide from the loud explosions .

"I am not leaving my best buddy Jimmy!" B.E.N. dragged him out by his feet and received a dark glare. "Unless he looks at me like that. Hehe... Bye Jim!" The robot took off and I knelt down to move treasure out of Jim's way.

"Raphaelle, go!"

"I'm not leaving without you. I am going to be here for you, whether you like it or not!" I answered stubbornly. Jim glared back at me before answering.

"This isn't up for discussion. Get out of here, now!"

"Just fix this thing so we can both get out of here!" I replied, standing up and checking the controls to see if anything was working yet.

He stopped trying to get me to leave and quickly finished hotwiring the ship. The lasers were still destroying the core of the planet, and I could faintly hear the screams of the crew as they exited through the portal.

Jim finally got the ship running and took the wheel. Morph excitedly flew out of my pocket and over Jim's head as he began steering the ship.

"Yes!" Jim exclaimed. "Morph, Raphaelle, we are so out of here!" I smiled at him proudly. We're gonna make it! I thought happily. But that didn't last long.

"Ah, Jimbo, Raphaelle," Silver called. Both our heads spun around to see Silver climbing on-deck. "Aren't yeh teh seventh wonder of teh universe?"

I glanced to my side and saw a sword buried in the treasure. I quickly reached for it and pointed it at Silver, anger in my eyes. I stood in front of Jim, who was holding the wheel. He glanced over his shoulder to look at me anxiously.

I'm tired of being afraid! I thought. It's about time I stood up for myself! I will not be pushed around or intimidated anymore!

"Stay back!" I yelled. Silver looked down at the blade before directing a hard look at me.

"I like yeh both, but I've come too far ta let yeh stand between me and me treasure," Silver said as he stepped forward, pushing me back until I bumped into Jim

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"I like yeh both, but I've come too far ta let yeh stand between me and me treasure," Silver said as he stepped forward, pushing me back until I bumped into Jim. I gasped in fear at the dark expression Silver was giving me. I was starting to regret pulling out the sword.

Suddenly, a laser tore into the side of the ship, throwing all of us off. Silver was able to grab onto the edge of the ship, while Jim and I both landed on a nearby platform. Jim landed solidly, but unfortunately my momentum drove me forward until I fell off. I was propelled into the wall opposite the platform, and began sliding down it until I was able to grab onto a small ledge that was jutting out of the wall. I glanced down and saw a river of lava. I screamed and tried to pull myself up, but I didn't have the upper body strength.

"Raphaelle!" Jim yelled, seeing my predicament.

"Jim!" I screamed.

"Reach for my hand!" he shouted, stretching his hand out to help me.

I reached out to try and grab it, but couldn't quite make it.

"I can't!" I cried desperately.

Suddenly, the ledge I was holding onto retracted into the wall

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Suddenly, the ledge I was holding onto retracted into the wall. I screamed as I fell a few feet before grabbing onto another ledge.

"Silver! Help!" I heard Jim holler.

I didn't have a good grip on the ledge, and my fingers were slowly slipping. Not only that, but this ledge was slowly beginning to retract into the wall as well.

Tears filled my eyes as all hope of living left my mind.

"Oh, Blast me for a fool!" I heard Silver shout.

I finally lost my grip and began to fall. I screamed, but then something caught me by the wrist. I looked up and saw Silver had grabbed onto me. He swung me back towards the ledge where Jim was ready and waiting to pull me up before climbing back up himself. I clung to Jim and hugged him fiercely, relieved to be alive and able to touch him again. Morph immediately started attacking me with licks and squealed in happiness and relief.

We all looked up just in time to see the boat Jim had fixed explode when one of the lasers sliced through it.

"Come on, we have to get out of here," Jim said. I nodded and let him go, taking a deep breath and refocusing myself.

My treasure filled bag bounced against my back as we dashed towards the portal and away from the exploding core of Treasure Planet.

Treasure Planet: The Real TreasureWhere stories live. Discover now