Chapter 1

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On a dark and stormy night, I sat on my bed, watching the credits roll by on my computer from my favorite movie: Treasure Planet. This movie always makes me feel better, I thought, not to mention I have the biggest crush on Jim Hawkins EVER! After closing my computer screen, I turned to look at my clock. 11:09. Almost time, I thought sadly to myself, sighing loudly.

At exactly 11:11pm, I would turn 16. But my sixteenth birthday was not one I was looking forward to. I'd lived in St. Josephine's Orphanage my entire life. No one was even sure if that was my real birthday, but it was the exact day and time that I had been found on the front steps of the orphanage so many years ago, so that had been dubbed my birth date and time. I had never known my parents, and for some reason I had never attracted the attention of those who came to adopt. It was especially difficult to be adopted once you became a teenager. Now, at 16, there was little hope that I would ever be adopted. The director of the orphanage had told me that if I didn't have a family by the time I turned 16, they would have to kick me out. The most they could do was provide me with a job at a dirty factory making car parts.

Tomorrow, they would kick me out, and I wasn't looking forward to it. I'm not ready to go out into the world all by myself, I thought. I especially don't want to go work in a stupid factory. I want adventure and thrills and happiness that can only be brought from loved ones.

As I thought, I looked at my locket. It was the one thing I owned that was really mine. I bought the heart shaped locket with money I had collected over the years, through lemonade stands and loose change I found on the streets. It was a rather large locket, the width of the heart about the size of my thumb. It was solid gold and in the center had 6 small indents that formed a star-like shape with a diamond in the middle. Inside were two pictures of Jim Hawkins. I'd never had a boyfriend, but if I did, I would've wanted someone like Jim; caring and complex, with a bad boy façade, but a nice guy underneath.

As I turned back to my clock, I watched as it turned to 11:11. Time to make my wish, I thought. This was the only part of my birthday that I enjoyed. Making a wish on your birthday at the exact time you were born was supposed to make it lucky, and 11:11 is a time when people like to make wishes. Combine the two, and there was a very high chance that my wish would come true. Though it had never worked before, I still felt the need to try.

After glancing at my locket once more, I pulled my blankets up and stared at the clock to fall asleep.

Before I did, I whispered what I truly desired most in the world.

"I wish I could be somewhere far away from here, where I can live my dreams and be who I want to be. I wish I could be in Treasure Planet!"

Right as I finished uttering my wish, the numbers on the clock changed to 11:12. My room filled with a blinding light and a deafening roar before all was still and dark.


So I wrote this story a couple years back (When I was in 16/17 in high school., ten years ago, lol). I've previously uploaded them to deviantart and If you have read my stories before, I just decided to repost them on Wattpad because this site had never been on my radar before. But the stories are exactly the same as on the other sites. Nothing different. For all you new readers, enjoy!  

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