Chapter 4

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The wind whipped through my hair, sending it flying out behind me as we sped through the air. The skirt of my dress flapped angrily against my ankles, but I paid it no attention.

This was the most amazing thing I had ever felt! I felt so exhilarated and free! But apparently, that wasn't all I was feeling.

"Holding on tight enough back there?" Jim hollered above the wind.

I hadn't realized that I was gripping him so tightly. I smiled as I released the tension in my body and relaxed my grip.

 I smiled as I released the tension in my body and relaxed my grip

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"This is amazing! I've never felt so free!" I told him.

"You ready for something cool?" he asked, looking over his shoulder and giving me a mischievous grin.

I wasn't sure what to think of this. Before I could reply, he steered us up towards the clouds. Then he pressed the power button on the solar surfer and the sail disappeared back into the board.

"What are you doing?" I yelled frantically as the board stopped moving forward.

He didn't answer. He just spread his arms out as the board started to fall back towards the ground. I felt the air rushing past me as we fell. I held on to Jim for dear life. As if falling towards the ground from high above the clouds wasn't enough, he started to twist and spin the board around, doing a bunch of free-falling stunts. Soon I couldn't tell which way was up and down. Then, he started spinning the board rapidly as we hung upside down. As we got closer to the ground, I expected him to pull up, but he wasn't doing it.

"Jim!" I yelled, trying to prompt him to pull up.

I squeezed my eyes shut and tightened my grip even more as I braced for impact. But it never came. I opened my eyes and saw that Jim had pulled out the solar sail and was gliding a couple of feet above the ground. I loosened my grip, thinking that the ordeal was over.

I saw a fork in the canyon, and Jim directed the board towards the right of the fork. He let out a cry of excitement as we dangled off the side of the board only a few feet above the ground. If I leaned my head out a little further, my nose could brush the ground. I looked ahead and saw what looked like mining machinery built into the canyon. A restriction sign and flashing lights blocked the entrance, but Jim ignored them and flew right through it, breaking the sign.

"Jim? What are you doing?" I asked, wary of the moving machinery Jim was currently maneuvering through. He didn't answer, but sped up his surfer. He was grinding against the metal surfaces like a skateboarder. Then, a large wheel with rotating carts carrying rocks came into view. My blood froze as I knew exactly what he was going to do. I didn't even try to stop him, since I knew it would be futile.

I gripped him tighter and willed myself not to close my eyes. He retracted the sail and yelled out, "Come On!"

Right as we were about to pass through the hole, I saw how fast the carts were moving and lost my nerve. I screamed and buried my face into his back.

When nothing happened, I opened my eyes and found we were out of harm's way. Jim was once again holding onto the sail. He threw his head back and let out a joyous cry.

He slowed down the board and turned to look at me.

"You alright?" he asked, smiling.

"No! That was the most terrifying thing I have ever been through!" I shouted angrily.

He looked at me seriously for a moment, then his smile returned and he started laughing. It was the most amazing and joyous sound I had ever heard. I found that I couldn't keep myself from laughing with him.

"See, it wasn't that bad," he said.

"Okay, I guess it was kind of fun. But how about you give me a warning next time, okay?" I replied.

"Sure thing," he said, smiling and turning to face forward again as we cruised leisurely through the sky

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"Sure thing," he said, smiling and turning to face forward again as we cruised leisurely through the sky.

Then I heard sirens. I turned around and saw two robots on flying vehicles with flashing lights.

"Oh great," Jim muttered.

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