Chapter 15

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A huge explosion occurred within the black hole, sending solar energy to the sails, which gave us a large boost of power and sent us flying back into the safety of space. I opened my eyes when I heard the crew members cheering. I saw Morph turn back into a blob and then sigh in relief and melt into a puddle on the floor.

Silver and Jim relaxed and moved away from the mast. Jim still had his arms wrapped around me, which was totally fine by me. Jim looked down at me and smiled. I smiled back. He let me go, but he wrapped one arm around my waist, keeping me close by his side. I blushed a bit at the intimacy of the gesture, but certainly didn't protest.

Delbert started babbling to Captain Amelia as he detangled himself from a pile of ropes he had fallen into when the ship received its burst of speed.

"Captain! That-oh my goodness-that was-that was absolutely- that was the most-" he sputtered, trying to find the right words.

"Oh tish-tosh," the Captain interrupted, gazing through an instrument into space. "Actually, Doctor, your astronomical advice was most helpful," she finished, complimenting him.

Delbert seemed taken aback by this, not expecting this rare moment of praise from the Captain.

"Well, uh...thank you. Thank you very much. Well I have a lot of help to offer anatomically- amanamotically-astronomically," he finished lamely, slapping his hand on his forehead.

The Captain walked down towards Jim, Silver and I.

"Well I must, uh, congratulate you, Mr. Silver. It seems your cabin boy did a bang up job with those lifelines," she said. Silver and Jim nudged each other playfully, and I gave Jim a little hug. He smiled down at me and used the one arm around my waist to give me a little squeeze back.

"All hands accounted for Mr. Arrow?" Captain Amelia asked, looking for Mr. Arrow. Jim and I looked around, trying to locate the first mate in question.

"Mr. Arrow?" Amelia repeated. I heard a hissing sound as Scroop stepped forward. As he drew near, a chill went down my spine, causing me to shiver. Jim looked down at me questioningly. I gave him a worried look. This can't be good, I thought, getting a very bad feeling.

"I'm afraid Mr. Arrow has been lost," Scroop said, handing Amelia Mr. Arrow's hat, a sorrowful look on his face.

She took his hat, a look of absolute disbelief on her face.

"His lifeline was not secured," he added, looking over at Jim accusingly.

No! It can't be! I saw him tighten all the lifelines! I screamed in my head. But I didn't say anything; just let my mouth hang open in shock.

Jim appeared shocked, but also frightened. He turned to look at the Captain, probably hoping she wouldn't believe Scroop, but she gave him a disappointed glare.

"No, I checked 'em all!" Jim protested, letting go of me and running over to the lifelines, pushing some of the other crew members out of the way.

But sure enough, when he got there, one of the lifelines was missing.

"I-I did! I checked them all. They were secure. I swear," he said turning back to the Captain. But she only glared. Stupefied, I looked up at Silver; he looked back at me with the same expression. I turned to look back at Jim; his face expressed total dejection.

Captain Amelia looked down at Mr. Arrow's hat before speaking.

"Mr. Arrow was a..." she paused to clear her throat, "fine spacer; finer than most of us could ever hope to be. But he knew the risks, as do we all. Resume your posts, we carry on," she finished, heading back up the stairs, most likely to mourn in private in her quarters.

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