Chapter 18

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After a few minutes of walking, the dizziness stopped and I felt like I could walk on my own again. I expressed as much to Jim and he carefully let me go, making sure I was steady before we continued.

Jim and I were gaping at the jungle-like planet surrounding us as we tried to find a good hiding spot. It was less of a jungle and more like a bunch of giant mushrooms and moss and other weird fungus-like plants. But all I could think about was Silver and how he had betrayed us. I was so lost in thought that I tripped over a root and fell. For some reason, my emotions decided to overwhelm me at that moment. I started crying, still on my hands and knees on the ground. Jim turned around and knelt down on the ground next to me.

"Hey, what's the matter?" he asked tenderly, putting his hand on my back.

"I-I trusted him! He betrayed us, and I trusted him!" I blubbered

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"I-I trusted him! He betrayed us, and I trusted him!" I blubbered.

"I know. I trusted him too," Jim said softly.

"Jim, I'm so scared. What's gonna happen to us?" I asked, looking up at him with my tear-filled eyes.

"Don't worry. We're gonna be okay," he said, giving me a reassuring smile and pulling me to my feet.

"Oh, I almost forgot," he said, reaching into his pocket. "I found this on the floor last night. I thought you might want it back." He was holding my locket in his hand.

In all the commotion, I had completely forgotten about it.

"Thanks," I said as I fastened it around my neck.

"So how come there are pictures of me inside?" he asked, a somewhat mischievous smile on his lips.

I blushed as I searched for an answer.


Before I could come up with something, I heard a rustling noise behind me. Jim heard it too. He pulled his gun out, which made me even more afraid than I already was.

"Jim," I whispered.

He brought his finger to his lips, warning me to be quiet, then slowly headed towards the bushes. He glanced into them to see if anything was hiding in there. Suddenly, a robot jumped out of them and yelled. This caused Jim to scream, which made me scream. The robot tackled Jim to the ground.

"Oh, this is fantastic!" the robot yelled. "Two carbon-based life forms come to rescue me at last! I just want to hug you and squeeze you and hold you close to me," it continued, embracing Jim as he stood up.

"All right, okay. Would you just let go of me?" Jim said, pushing the robot away. Then it immediately latched onto me.

"Get off," I yelped, shoving it away and running to hide behind Jim.

"Oh, sorry, sorry," the robot said. "It's just I've been marooned for so long. I mean, solitude's fine, don't get me wrong. But for heaven's sake, after a hundred years, YOU GO A LITTLE NUTS!" he yelled.

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