Chapter 9

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We were led down to the galley by Mr. Arrow. All the while, Delbert and Jim were railing against Captain Amelia. From what I could tell, Delbert was angry at the way she had spoken to him. I would be too, if I had a prestigious degree like he did and was treated like an idiot. Jim was just upset that he would have to do actual work.

"I'll not tolerate a cross word about our captain!" Mr. Arrow scolded, grabbing them both by the shoulder. "There's no finer officer in this, or any, galaxy."

I could hear whistling as we descended down the steps.

"Mr. Silver," Mr. Arrow called.

"Why, Mr. Arrow, sir! Bringin' such fine and distinguished gents to grace me humble galley! Had I known, I'd 'ave tucked in me shirt!" the cook said heartily.

I glanced over the cook and saw the right side of his body was all mechanical parts. In an instant, I thought of what that old turtle alien had said.

"A cyborg," Jim whispered, most likely thinking the same thing I was.

I hid behind him and, forgetting about our fight, grabbed his wrist for support. I was relieved when he didn't pull away. I peered over his shoulder at the cyborg.

"May I introduce Dr. Doppler, the financier of our voyage," Arrow said. Delbert adjusted his spectacles as he stepped forward proudly and gave a little bow.

"Love teh outfit, Doc," Silver answered, scanning Delbert with his mechanical eye.

"Well, thank you. Um, love the eye," Delbert said nervously, covering up his private areas as the red beam of light coming from the cyborg's eye traveled south of Delbert's body. "Uh, this is Jim Hawkins."

He pulled Jim, and consequently me, in to take his place.

"Jimbo!" the cyborg exclaimed, extending his metal hand.

But instead of a hand, it was a set of knives and other sharp tools. I ducked further behind Jim again. Realizing his mistake, the cyborg switched out the knives for his hand. I clutched Jim's jacket while he glared at the man, refusing to shake his hand. I could be really shy when it came to meeting new people, but this time, I was just afraid.

 I could be really shy when it came to meeting new people, but this time, I was just afraid

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"And who might dis lov'ly lass be?" the cook asked, peering at me over Jim's shoulder.

I turned my head, hoping to pass off my fear as shyness.

"Raphaelle," I said quietly.

"What a pretty name for a pretty lass," he complimented. I blushed, despite my apprehension towards the cyborg. I felt Jim tense up a bit as the cyborg reached out to shake my hand. I shrunk back as it came close to me.

"Ah, now don't be too put off by dis hunk o' hardware," Silver said, returning to his work.

He began cutting lots of vegetables and other foods very quickly, a task made easy by the various tools and gadgets his hand alone was equipped with. He pretended to accidently cut off his good hand in an attempt to make a joke.

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