I really should not be here

396 18 15

♤Izuku's POV♤

Today, I was expecting to wake up on the side of the road, get up, walk home and then prepare for school like usual. What I did not expect was to wake up on a couch in a bar!

I sat up and took a good look arround. There was a TV set up in front of me with a video game console. Behind the couch there was a bar with four seats and a polished counter.

Sitting up I noticed a man made of mist polishing a glass. I instantly regretted my decision when my chest felt like it was on fire. Looking down I noticed I was treated for my wounds. Then it hit me, they treated my wounds... How was I going to pay them back!? I have virtually no money and nothing of value to offer. They wasted good bandages on me!?

In the midst of my internal panick I failed to notice the mist man had approached me with a glass of water. Once I felt a hand on my shoulder i flinched then look up to see the man in front of me.

"Are you all right young man?"

Honestly I was still internally panicking however I still managed to form a few words.

"O-oh sorry, yes I'm f-fine thank you sir!"

"Very well, you should lay back down your wounds are not yet healed and if you continue to move your stitches will come loose"

"Oh s-sorry... i-if you want I could leave already I'm s-sorry for taking up your time sir, I swear I can pay you back if you want and sorry f-for wasting your supplies..."

♧Kurogiri POV♧

The secound the boy woke up he seemed to scan the room when his eyes landed on me. I could tell once he sat up it aggravated his wounds but once he saw the bandages he seemed to be worried about something else.

I approached the boy however he did not seem to notice until I place my hand on his shoulder. Instantly he flinched back and then seemed to calm down a little. After asking if he was ok what I did not expect was for him to offer to repay me for the medical supplies used on him. Honestly master shigaraki brought back a troublesome one.

"No child there is no need to do that, I would prefer you stay here till your wounds are healed and then we will decide what to do next"

"O-ok sir sorry"

Honestly the boy is to nervous for his own good, though it's not surprising from what I heard from master shigaraki.

"Can you tell me your name?"

"Oh i-its Izuku, Izuku Midoriya..."

Well that takes care of a name. Honestly this boy is really a curious creature. I'm still unsure of what the master sees in him. However I must alert him of the child's condition.

"Very well Izuku, drink this and I will be back in a few"

"Uhm o-ok, but if I may a-ask how long was I out for?"

"The last 12 hours I presume, now lay back down and reste"

"O-oh ok sorry!"

◇Shigaraki POV◇

Hearing a knock on my door, kurogiri soon enters with knews that the brats awake. Arriving back in the bar I see him awake on the couch with a glass beside him. Figuring I might as well start trying for that quest I start a conversation.

"I see your finally awake, it took you long enough I was starting to think you were dead"

"O-oh s-sorry for bothering you s-sir"

"Chill out a bit would ya, we don't bite"


"Anyhow would you like to explain the state I found you in?"

"A-ah well u-uh I g-got in the way of one of my classmates while they were using there quirk and w-well sorte of suffered the conciousness. It's my fault I'm in this state sorry for waiting your bandages sir..."

"Well that was convincing, not, you don't just end up on the brink of death and then anyone you walk by acts like it's completely normal that your bleeding out, let alone all the other scars we found on your body while fixing you up"


Just then I had stuck my hand on the couch without noticing and it crumbled to dust. The brat fell but once he hit the ground all you could see was the stars in his eyes. Quicker then I could react he started asking questions at a thousand miles an hour and before I could answer any of them he started to make his own theories and what shocked me was not how fast he was talking but from what I could make our from his gibberish he had already figured out my quirk, its weaknesses and 101 things I could do with it.

Once I got out of my shocked state I noticed his stitches had opened up from the fall and there was blood seeping through his bandages. He did not seem to notice but I was sure from experience that it hurt. So I did the only thing I could think of to bring him out of that muttering spree.

"Hey! Relax would ya your stitches opened up. Kurogiri grab the med kit"

"Right away master"

"Oh sorry I did not n-notice sorry for m-mubling I know its creepy..."

"Well at least your calmer now, and what do you mean creepy you just analysed my quirk in the mater of secounds off of literally one demonstration. That's quite impressive if you ask me"

And I was not lying. If I did not know better I would have guessed he had some kind of analysis quirk, but this only proved my gut theory right, I had struck a gold mine!

♧Kurogiri POV♧

Honestly the boy sure is something, the master made the right decision bringing him here. Putting his talent to use would definitely improve not just our 'stats' but I have a feeling it will also help us in many other ways.

For now I just have to make sure he does not die of blood loss before he can actually be of use.

1055 words

Hope you enjoyed and if your interested in a third chapter then one comment is all it takes for it to be made. I just wanna know someone, anyone is interested in the story so I don't feel like I'm weighting to myself lol.

Anyway have a great week!

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