Porters Café

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     After playing in the snow and helping Alex out, Chase and Alex finally decided to head back to Porters Café.

"I just remembered I have to deliver this note to Mr. Porter." Chase reminded himself.

"What is it?" He asked and both Alex and Chase stopped at the front doors of the Café.

"It's just some orders listed, that's all." Chase shrugged off and Alex nodded his head and both went inside the Café, quickly getting the attention of Alex's grandfather.

"You're back! Oh, and hello Chase." Mr. Porter greeted him with his usual cheerful smile which made the two smile back.

"What brings you here?" He asked as the owner of the Café eyed the German Shepherd. The police pup then pulled the note out of his hoodie pocket and presented it to Mr. Porter who took the order from his paws and his eyes widened as he read through the list.

"Woah...that...that's a lot." Mr. Porter sighed in disbelief as he stared back at Chase who shrugged.

"Well, we have a couple guests over." Chase said and knowing what he meant, Mr. Porter nodded.

"Well, this may take some work, but I'll definitely get it ready on time for Christmas." He said which made Chase smile.

"Alright, thanks Mr. Porter. Happy Holidays." He said and went towards the doors while Mr. Porter and Alex said their goodbyes.

After delivering the note, Chase began walking back to the Lookout with a somewhat smile on his face. He did have a good time playing in the snow with Alex, it was really rare to get those kinds of moments with the troublemaker. 

Normally, Alex always gets into trouble and the worst kind of dangers which made the pups find the kid somewhat annoying and also a bit scary too.

But it was still fun to hang with the kid once in a while. Then, for some reason, Chase looked off to the side of the beach again and out into the ocean. Some part of the beach was iced, but there was still water beyond the ice.

The exact direction of Foggy Bottom. Chase frowned a little bit as he realized that ever since he got back to Adventure Bay, he hasn't visited Mayor Humdinger or Helga at all when he came back and that started to build some guilt into him.

Everything happened so fast, and he totally forgot to pay them a visit.

Flash Back

"But, I had a lot of fun." Chase said and Humdinger looked at him in shock, but then warmly smiled at him as he made a fist out of his hand fist-bumped Chase.

"Same here." Humdinger said and both of them chuckled together.

"Also, please take care of that necklace." Humdinger said with a warm smile and Chase smiled at him, as he knew how much this necklace meant to him.

"I will, that's a promise." Chase said and the kittens slowly pulled from Chase and the German Shepherd walked away, waving goodbye at the Humdingers who were waving back.

Flash Back Ends

He warmly smiled at that memory. He did have a lot of fun that night and it was one of the best nights he ever had. Now, he wanted nothing more but to go back to Foggy Bottom and visit the Humdingers again. With that, Chase finally made his decision.

"Alright, tomorrow, I'll visit them." The Police pup said to himself as he pulled out the necklace that he always wore, from under his hoodie. I'm pretty sure he'll be happy with this necklace in good shape. Chase grinned at the thought and positioned the necklace back under his hoodie.

And just before he could get back on his way to the Lookout, Chase suddenly heard a crash coming from behind and he looked back behind Porters Café to the buildings standing behind the restaurant and into an alleyway and the scene that he saw confused him.

Out of the alleyway, Chase saw a small puppy, much younger than him, probably even younger than Rubble. She was a small German Shepherd but with light blue fur, similar to Sylvia's fur. He saw the young pup running from the alleyway, with four other humans running after it.

Chase studied the humans and all four of them were wearing janitor-like clothes, but gray and hats. Two of them were holding nets attached to poles while one was holding a chained leash and the last one was holding a cage. It didn't take the German Shepherd long to figure out who those guys were.

Flash Back

A young Chase was standing in a cage above other cages filled with dogs. All of them were whimpering and crying out for help while Chase just sat dead silent as he watched the horrific scene displayed in front of him.

For some time, he has heard of animal shelters before but always believed they were out to give dogs and animals a home. But some shelters are just awful, brutal and some were even slaughterhouses.

In front of him was another dog roped onto a wooden pole while a few other workers of the pound circled around him. The dog on the other hand was lying, with the rope tied around its neck, still breathing but had lifeless eyes. His body was covered in some blood. But was mostly covered in bruises.

"Hehe. Don't tell me this one is done yet." One of the workers laughed.

"Well how long has he been here?" Another worker asked.

"For about a year." Another worker answered.

"Exactly! Nobody wants to adopt him."

"Well if that's the case," Another worker said as he cut the ropes and grabbed the dog by the back of his head.

"Then let's finish him off." He said and all of the workers, along with the dog, disappeared inside the building.

A couple of minutes passed and the dogs were still whimpering until they were cut off by a large scream coming inside the building. It sounded like a death, horrifying scream.

Everything went silent.

All dogs, including Chase, stared at the building in shock, all of them began shaking. And Chase never saw that dog ever again.

Flash Back Ends

"Don't tell me..." Chase whispered to himself and they saw the four pursuing the young girl pup down to another alleyway. For a split moment, he saw the young pup's fear on her face which made the shepherd frown even more. But more anger built up inside him and for some reason...

Without hesitating, Chase followed after them.

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