Jeremy smirked victoriously at that as the sword came down right in front of the knight, making the knight fall down in shock.

Jeremy chuckled and looked up at Aurum, his smile fell when he got a neutral look from the girl. He clicked his tongue before smirking again.

"How 'bout you, darling? Care to show me your skills?"

Aurum raised a brow, she smiled politely. "Heh, if you're that eager...then—"

Jeremy's senses sharpened when Aurum dashed towards him, right arm raised nnd fingers in a straight line.


Jeremy barely dodged the girls' hand when he moved to his left, his blue eyes met her golden ones. Aurum then swiped her arm to the right.

The knights around them awed at the sight, she's attacked first and yet she's pushing him back.

Jeremy would always win instantly against them and his other siblings if they atta ked first.

Once Jeremy was out of her reach, Aurum pulled her sword and swiped it to her right. "Haah, I'm so glad I'm wearing leggings instead of a skirt"

Holding her sheath with her left, she walked towards Jeremy in a steady pace. She couldn't help but smile a little, it's been so long since she touched a weapon, minus the day of the accident.

Jeremy finally raised his guard and changed into a defensive stance. "She might be better at magic, but her swordsmanship isn't trash", he thought.

"Hmph, that was such a surprise. But I shouldn't expect less from you, you are the one and only Lapis Heir~", he smirked.

Aurum nodded, "Good..."

Then she attcked again, this time Jeremy blocked it with his sword. His smirk turned into a grin, "It feels heavy—"

Achysl squatted down , sliding her sword down and thrusted it upwards to Jeremy's face—


He Barely dodged that...

Jeremy realized that Aurum was much more faster than him, so he changed plans.

He attempted to kick her, Aurum flipped back to avoid his leg and stepped back a bit. It was Jeremy's turn to dash towards her straight ahead.

With his mind only focusing on attacking, Aurum's sword came towards him fast, resulting a small cut on his right cheek.


Now stunned and his grip on his sword lightened, Aurum used that chance to kick him forward (more like push) him on his chest. Making him fly a few feet away...


"Oh shit!"

"She really did that!"

"Are Lapises that skilled?"

Jeremy groaned from the pain of crashing down on the hard cement, his head and back throbbed in slight pain. That kick really hit him, his pain resistance is getting rusty...

But he smiled, and chuckled.

He used his right arm to block his eyes from the sun. Aurum was fast, strong, and a highly skilled at combat, not to mention her superior magic that could even chain them both in a contract...

"Ahh, she's... really good at this"

He couldn't help but...blush.

"Making me feel so inferior"

A shadow loomed over him, he removed his arm from his face and propped his upper body with his elbows. He looked up to Aurum with a smirk, "You're...well trained", he complimented.

Aurum smirked proudly, "My teacher was good", she said... complimenting her teacher. She offered her hand.

Jeremy took it and Aurum pulled him up to his feet. "Well...I'll have to meet him in the future then, I need to see the person who taught my darling how to bring me down", he said.

Aurum hummed, "Maybe you would".

"But judging by your personality, I don't think you'll be pleased to meet him"

"I'm looking forward it it"

   |• It was already night time, and Aurum was asleep in bed. Jeremy was besides her, using her body as a body pillow, Auurm didn't mind it, it was warm in this cold night.

Outside the windows, a bird's silhouette transformered into a shape of a young teen. The window slightly opened...

Cold wind immediately seeped in, carrying a green wisp. The green wisp flowed in towards the the two teens untill it stopped on top of Aurum...

The green wisp transformed into a shape of a hand, it slowly came down to her cheek—


Not until Jeremy swat it away.

The figure outside the window immediately climbed up and hid in the shadows.

Jeremy sat up from the bed and looked behind him, he stared at the opened window and glared. He slid out of bed and walked to the window and closed it tightly, locking it.

After that he went back to bed and hugged Aurum's head closely to his chest, kissing her forehead before going back to sleep.

A few seconds later, the green wisp seeped out of the bottom of the bed...

And Aurum's eyes opened.

𝐓𝐖𝐓𝐏𝐓𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐁: 𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕 𝑶𝒇 𝑮𝒐𝒍𝒅 [Jeremyxoc]Where stories live. Discover now