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Baekhyun's POV

"What if Bomi-"

"No. I have tell her that we were leaving early." I cut her words and I saw her pouting.

Aish, if I'm not driving right now, I might pecked her pouts. It's so cute! "But, where are we going?" she asked while looking outside the window.

I just smile and didn't answered her question. She turned and looked at me before she hit my left arm. "Yah, it's hurt!" I pouted, actually it's not hurt at all. "I'm asking you!" she crossed her arms.

"Just wait and see, Miss Kim." I replied and giggles.

She rolled her eyes and looked away. Aw, is my Taeyeon sulked right now? I stopped as the traffic light turned into red light. Then I glanced at her while smiling.

"Is my cutie pie sulked, hm?" I make my voice become soft. And I know she will melt. She cleared her throat and shook quickly.

Huh. Liar again. I don't know since when she's like to lying. I smirked. "Huh, yeah I believed you, chagiya~" I said seductively. Then I feel she slap my arm. Ouch, it's hurt. "Stop seducing me and drive now. The traffic light has changed into the green light." she glared at me.

I hold my laugh as I started to drive.

What I hope is, my plan will succeed. I planned all of this since yesterday. Kris and Chanyeol were the one who helping me. The two of my best friends are good at this since they know more about this than me.

Not saying that I'm terrible but I just not an expert like them. If they know that I complimented  them, they will smile till ears. *rolled eyes* hehe.

Finally we have arrived at the place that I have set up.

"Let's go." I said to her and she looked around before she opened the safety bet. I went out from my car and opened the door for her.

Before that, I send a message to Chanyeol while smirking. Then, she get out from my car and I hold her hand.

"What are this place?" she asked me.

I just shrugged my shoulders and smile. She rolled her eyes. The place is a vast area like a field. it is green and the scenery is very cool and calm. Then, I pulled her hand and she just followed me.

Suddenly I stopped and she stopped too. Taeyeon looked at me while frowned. I smirk and pulled her closer. "What?" she asked. "I have to covered your eyes first." I replied and she widened her eyes.

"But why?" she whined and I pinched her cheeks. Cute! "It's a surprise." I winked and she sighed. "Okay." I took a piece of cloth and covered Taeyeon's eyes using the cloth. Then I hold her hands tightly and lead her way.

She slowly stepped and followed me. I just can't stop smiling. She is so cute! Both of us went to the special that I have prepared for her. Ops, with Kris and Chanyeol's help too. Hehe.

Then I stopped. "We're here." I whispered at her and she is smiling. "Really? Can I opened it?" she asked excitedly. I chuckles shook.

"Not until I ask you to do that."

And she pouted.


Author's POV

Baekhyun took a deep breath before kneeling. Then he looked at her.

"You can open it now."

Taeyeon smiled and opened the cloth that covered her eyes. Then she opened her eyes and saw Baekhyun kneeling in front of her. She froze for a while before her eyes scanning the place.

They are both in the middle of flowers arranged like love shapes. The place looks very pretty. Chanyeol and Kris worked very hard in decorating all this.

She looked back at Baekhyun.


"First of all, thanks for coming into my life. Before this, I don't know how it feels when we loved someone. I never approached a girl and cared for her. Even I always ignored them. But, when you come into my life, everything changed. You make me always worried about you. You make me feel like I wanna be on your side. You make me wanna know you more. And, I realized something when we become closer to each other. I realized that.. I starting to like you. More than a friend. And I started to love you. I really love you. You always make me smile and happy. There's no girls that make me feel like that, but you are."

Taeyeon touched with his words. She almost crying and she just hold her tears. Then he continued.

"After what has happen between us, the misunderstanding between us, I want to tell you that I always love you. This feelings is getting stronger and stronger. Although you run away from me, went far away from me, but I still love you. And this feelings will never disappear. I just love you and I don't know how to show it to you. I admit, when we met again after six years, I'm happy because I still can meet you. Watching you. And after Tiffany told me everything, I feel guilty for you."

He said again. Taeyeon still silent, let him finished what he wanted to say.

"And now, I wanna ask you."

Taeyeon covered her mouth when Baekhyun took out a velvet box and opened it. And..it's a ring. Baekhyun stared into her eyes.

"Kim Taeyeon, will you be mine? Will you be my wife and a mother to my childrens? Will you be my Mrs.Byun? Will you spend your life with me?"

Finally, the tears falling down on her cheeks. She's touched with all of this. Baekhyun still waiting for her answers.

Taeyeon slowly wiped her tears. She took a deep breath before replied to him.

"Byun Baekhyun, Yes. I will be yours. I will be your wife and a mother to your childrens. I will be you Mrs Byun and I will spend my life with you until I die. Yes, I do." She replied without stuttering.

Baekhyun smiled and get up from kneeling. "A-are you serious? Y-you accept me?" he didn't believe it. Taeyeon chuckles as her tears started to falling down again. She quickly nodded and Baekhyun hugged her tightly.

"Thank you so much." He said and his tears also come out from his eyes.

Taeyeon hug him back and nod. Then he break the hug and wiped her tears. "Don't cry.." he whispered. Taeyeon still didn't stop from crying.

"I'm..I'm touched and I'm speechless.. Thank you so much.. I love you." she said while crying and hugged him back.

Baekhyun chuckles and rubbed her back. He pulled away the hug and stared into her eyes.

"It's me who have to say thank you to you." he said as he leaned closer and kissed her lips.

Taeyeon slowly closed her eyes and replied his kiss. Today was a happy and best day ever that happened in their life.

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