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-6 years later-

Baekhyun was adjusting his coat and his hair. After that, he went out from his room and went downstairs.

"Ey, bacon! Come and eat your breakfast!" Baekbeom said happily. Baekhyun rolled his eyes and smack his brother's head. "It's Baekhyun. Not bacon." he muttered.

Baekbeom scoffed. "Like I care!" he chuckles. Baekhyun ignored him and sit beside his brother. Mr.Byun and Mrs.Byun just smiles watching their sons.

"So, how about business? Is it okay?" Mr.Byun asked. Baekhyun nodded while eating his sandwich. Then he looked at his father. "Appa, why did you ask me to takeover your company? Why don't you just ask Baekbeom hyung?" he asked.

Mr.Byun smiled. "Did you forget something? Your brother have his own company. I'm getting old, Baekhyun-ah. So that's why I want you to takeover our company." he replied. Baekbeom nodded, agreed with their father. Baekhyun smile back to Mr.Byun and glared at his brother.

Mrs.Byun laughed make the brothers looked at her. "Why?" they ask. "No. You guys were so funny. And Baek-ah, you're 25 years old now. Oh god, you're not a child anymore!" she said.

Baekhyun just smiled.

"Alright, I have to go now. See you!" He stood up and waved at them. They waved at him back and Baekhyun went out from his house.

He get into his car and started the engine. "Let's go!" he mumbled and drove away to the Byun's Holdings.


Someone's POV

I went out from my house and closed my eyes. Fresh air makes my mind become relaxed. I opened my eyes back and smile.

"You need to go to work, right now." I turned and saw my father walked closer to me. I giggled and nod. "Yes, I will go now." I grabbed my handbag at the sofa in living room before I went out and hug my father.

He hugged me back and kiss my forehead. I break the hug and bid goodbye to him. Then I get into my car. I started the engine and drove to my work place.

I miss my hometown..


Author's POV

Baekhyun stepped into his office. Some his workers bowed at him and greeted him.

"Good morning, boss."


"Morning, boss!"

He just nodded to replied their greetings and went into his room. He sat at his chair and called his PA.

"Seo Joohyun, come into my room now!" he called her.

Then, Seohyun knocked the door and she went in after she got the permission. Her real name is Seo Joohyun, but she told them just to call her Seohyun. It was her nickname, maybe.

"Yes, boss?" she asked.

"Did I have a meeting today?" he asked back while checking the file.

"Ah! Wait a minute." Seohyun turned on her tablet and checked his schedule. "Ah, yes boss. You have one meeting today. It's with the CEO of Kim's Company. The meeting is at 2 p.m." she explained.

Baekhyun nodded. "Alright, thanks. You can continued your work." he dismissed her. Seohyun smile and nod before she went out from his room.

He sighed. "Another meeting? I'm tired already." he groaned slowly. He slapped his face slowly and continued his work.

When it comes lunch time, he called his best friend, Park Chanyeol. "Chanyeol-ah, let's go for lunch!" he said.

"Alright! I'll be there in a minute, boss!"

Baekhyun rolled his eyes. He know that Chanyeol is always playing around with him. He ended the call. Chanyeol now are working at his family's bakery. He want that.

He get up from his sit and went out from his room. He waited for Chanyeol at the lobby.

"Ayo! Let's go, bacon!"

Baekhyun smacked his best friend's head. "Aish! You're just same with Baekbeom hyung! Stop calling me bacon, pabo!" he glared at him. Chanyeol chuckles. "Well, I can't!" he grinned.

Baekhyun rolled his eyes and walked away leaving Chanyeol. Chanyeol grunted and walk, following Baekhyun.


After lunch, Chanyeol went back to his bakery shop and Baekhyun went back to his office.

"See you again, bacon!" Chanyeol giggles.

Baekhyun squeaked and slapped his shoulder palyfully. "Yeah, whatever!" he replied. Then Chanyeol get into his car and drove his car away.

He went back to his office and just 30 minutes left before the meeting. The CEO of Kim's Company will come to his office and they will discussed about their project.

What Baekhyun have heard is, the Kim's Company's CEO has changed into other person. He didn't sure if the new CEO was his daughter or another person who has no related to him. Yup, the old CEO of Kim's Company was a man.

He prepared all the files and his project papers. Seohyun knocked on the door.

"Boss, she has coming."

She? So, it was a woman. Baekhyun nodded and both of them went to their meeting room.

In the room, the CEO of Kim's Company and her PA has been waiting for them. Baekhyun stopped. He looked at Seohyun. "You go first. I forgot to bring my tablet." he said. Seohyun nodded.

She walked away to the meeting room. Baekhyun turned back to his room and get his tablet. All his works is on the tablet so he can't left it.

He went back to the meeting room and slowly opened the door. He went in and quickly greeted them.

He stand beside Seohyun. They still didn't greeted them because the CEO was on her call. He stared at her back.

She..looks familiar.

His heart said. He cleared his throat and shook. Then, she ended the call and turned to greet Baekhyun and Seohyun.

Baekhyun wanted to smile at her, but he can't. She looked at Baekhyun too. Their eyes met. Baekhyun froze. Those beautiful eyes...were the one who caught his attention six years ago when she transferred to the Seoul Highschool for the first time ever.

"Annyeonghaseyo." Seohyun broke the eye contact between them and bowed. Baekhyun do the same thing.

"I'm Seohyun, this is my boss Byun Baekhyun." Seohyun smiled.

"Hi, I am Im Yoona and this is my boss,... Kim Taeyeon."

She's Mine [ BAEKYEON ]Where stories live. Discover now