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Taeyeon's POV

Jessica and I went to the school garden and both of us sat at the bench.

"So, how long you and Baekhyun will continue this fake relationship?" Jessica asked.

I looked at her and shrug my shoulders.

"As you know, we just friends and I think he will stopped all of this fake relationship when we were graduated." I said, joked.

Jessica chuckles before patted my shoulder.

"You really like him, huh?" she asked again.

This time, I shut my mouth. Yes, I'm falling to him. Deeply. He is kind. Maybe the others thought he is cold-hearted person. But, once you get to know him more..he is the sweetest person ever. He is always be on my side, calmed me down, and caring.

Jessica sighed. "Why don't you just tell him? I mean, confessed to him. Say that you like him more than a friend. No. You love him. I'm sure he will accept you. Cause I know, he loves you too." she smirked.

I widened my eyes and quickly shook.

"No! Confessed to him? No way!" I'm not agreed with her.

Jessica rolled her eyes before slapped my arm playfully.

"You're a coward." she pouted.

"No, I'm not. I just...afraid that this feeling is not mutual and he will break our friendship because of this." I said slowly.

Jessica looks speechless before she slowly nodded. She gasped softly.

"I understand."


Author's POV

Bomi sat in front of the stranger along with Naeun and Namjoo.

"You sure that Kim Taeyeon will gone?" Bomi asked her.

The woman nodded while smirking.

"Who are you to her? How do you know her?" Naeun is the one who asked this time.

The woman sighed before rolled her eyes.

"I am..her ex stepmom." she muttered.

The three girls looked at each other before their eyes were on the woman.

"Just call me Yein. Yes, I am her ex stepmom. I married to her father just because of money. He divorced me a few days ago because he caught me cheating on him with my boyfriend. Two days later, my boyfriend broke up with me. Because of that Taeyeon, my life was a mess. I don't have a place to stay, nor foods or drinks." she raised her a voice a little.

Namjoo scoffed. "And it was your fault then. Because you were cheating on her dad. And, it was a karma for you." she smirked. Yein looked at her and glared. "Watch your mouth!"

Bomi stand up. "Okay, enough! Our mission is destroyed that Kim! We have to work together." she sighed heavily.

Naeun pulled her hand and whispered, "Are you sure you want to work with her? I don't trust her." she whispered.

Yein looked at them while raised one of her eyebrow.

"Yes, I'm sure. Let's just work together." Bomi whispered back.

Naeun shrug her shoulders and nodded. The three of them stared at Yein. The woman smiled in victory.

"I'm not sure." Namjoo rolled her eyes to Yein. She didn't trust and like her so much. Bomi pinched Namjoo's arm make the girl groaned.

"Fine fine." she crossed her arms and pouted a little.



Baekhyun's POV

I saw Taeyeon and Jessica were chatting together and laughed. Both of them were outside the class. I didn't realized that I was stared at Taeyeon and smiled.

Her smile make me want to smile too. When she laughed, it make me feel happy. And now I'm so sure. I'm sure that I..have falling for her deeply. I..love her.

This girl always driving me crazy. I'm so worried about her if anything happen to her.

I quickly shook my head and looked away. I didn't want anyone caught me staring at her.

"Done staring at her?"

I turned and saw Kris smirking at me. I chuckles and he take a sit beside me.

"You like her, don't you?" he asked me. Yeah, he knows that our relationship is fake.

I just stared at Kris and then he scoffed. "I know your answer." he laughed. I just smiled and look down. "I guess Taeyeon has success to changed you. You're not the person who always smiling to people, but now you are. Tch. I wonder what she have done until the wall inside yourself is gone." he grinned.

I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Yah, I admit that. My cold-hearted has melted because of her." I confessed.

Kris giggles and then he bursted into laugh. Aish, this boy. I decided to changed the topic. "By the way, where is Chan?" I asked.

Kris just shrug his shoulders.

"I thought he's with you just now." I frowned.

"Yeah, he was with me but suddenly he disappeared like a-"

"Watch out!"  suddenly someone shouted make Kris and I stopped chatting.

We saw all the students gathered outside the class. Both of us quickly stood up and run outside the class to see what happen.

I widened my eyes when I saw Taeyeon has landed on the ground and Jessica quickly run to her.

Kris and I quickly went closer to Taeyeon and Jessica. I pulled Taeyeon closer and hug her.

"Are you okay?" I asked worriedly.

She didn't answered me but just hug me back. I looked at Jessica.

"Jessica, what happen?" Kris panicked.

Jessica shook. "I-I don't know.. When we were chatting together, suddenly someone shouted and pushed Taeyeon away." she tell us.

Suddenly, a girl come. "I am the one who pushed her." she admit.

"Why? Why did you pushed her?" I asked with a serious tone. The girl, Sua looked at me and said, "I saw someone tried to kill her by pushed a flower pot from up."

Kris and I frowned. The three of us saw a flower pot on the ground. It's broken. All the students started to whisper, wondering who is the one who tried to hurt Taeyeon.

I looked at Taeyeon and she was shaking a little. Probably because she was shocked. I hug her shoulders and pulled her up. Jessica help to brushed the dust away from her skirt.

The fourth of us decided to go to the school's clinic to checked Taeyeon. Suddenly, Chanyeol ran to us and asking what happen.

"I will tell you."

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