2. We Did It

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The first thing I felt was the heat and humidity which instantly made my skin sticky. There was hushed talking in a language I didn't recognize and the sound of movement all around me. I opened my eyes to find myself standing in the middle of a busy intersection with people weaving around me. Not sure where I was headed, I crossed the street before the walk signal expired.

The unrelenting sun forced me to roll the sleeves of my shirt up to offer some relief but what I needed most was to seek refuge in an air conditioned building. Even though I've never been here before, I instantly recognized this place as Japan, a country that Bondy is very fond of. Japan is a big country and he could be anywhere. I wasn't worried though because I knew exactly where to find him.

My eyes scanned the surroundings until I found the entrance to the subway station. Luckily it was where most people were headed so it wasn't hard to find. I followed the crowd downstairs. Everyone was dressed in formal attire having just got out of work so I felt out of place in my shirt and jeans.

It's apparent the Japanese are used to heat as the men in suits showed no signs of distress but I did catch a man wiping the sweat off his forehead with a handkerchief. I studied the signs for Shibuya making sure I was at the right station and went to purchase a ticket. Do I even have Japanese yen on me? I patted my pockets for my wallet but came up empty-handed.

"Fuck," I muttered under my breath.

The crowd had since thinned and everyone that came down was in a hurry so I didn't want to bother them. I looked around for someone in a uniform reinforcing tickets and didn't find any so I quickly walked behind a man who was in a rush. He was so occupied on catching the subway that he didn't notice me slip in behind him.

As soon as I passed the gate, a whistle sounded. Everyone's eyes went on me but the longer I looked, I realized they weren't looking at me but what was behind me. Curious, I turned around to see Left Shark. He raised his fin and before I could register what was happening, he slapped me in the face, causing me to tumble back. Shock was quickly replaced by anger as I stood up. It took everything to not wake up. This mission was far too important to waste on something so trivial. He can't control his dreams. Or can he?

We've been on countless failed dreams trying to find each other. Anything to prove we were in the same dream. We've had instances where we were in two separate dreams, instances where one of us woke up, or instances where the dream was so fucked up we had no idea what was happening so we aborted. Don't get me started on that one dream where I was being chased by a man with a chainsaw.

Being slapped by Left Shark was nothing so I ran further down to try to get rid of him. He blew his whistle again to stop me but once he realized I wasn't stopping, he followed me clumsily pushing a woman out of the way. The subway arrived coming to a halt and the doors opened. I took the opportunity to jump in and the people trying to get off weren't pleased. I found an empty seat and sat down, catching my breath. I was hoping Left Shark didn't know which carriage I was on. Shibuya was only four stops away so I'll stay on this subway for as long as I can.

The carriage was full of people standing, making it hard for Left Shark to find me. Japanese subways are notorious for being full to the brim. You've probably seen videos of officers pushing passengers in so the doors can close. Luckily the carriage wasn't that full. If it was, I wouldn't even bother and would wait for the next one. The doors closed and right when I thought I'd lost him, his fin stopped the door. Fuck no.

Without thinking, I stood up from my seat and shoved Left Shark back with both hands. Left Shark tumbled back onto the floor and I waved goodbye as the doors closed. I turned around and everyone's eyes were on me, making me uneasy. There was no telling if they'd turn on me. Dreams are unpredictable so instead of going back to my seat, I stayed by the door. I've caused enough trouble as it is.

REM // Van McCannWhere stories live. Discover now