28. She's In Love With You

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My worst fear is losing you.

Is it silly of me to be hung up on those words? The way she said it made me think she felt the same way but I could be wrong.

"What happened to your friend if you don't mind me asking?" I questioned.

"They didn't like that she went out all the time. When I asked to go with her, they'd always have an excuse like 'we need your help' or 'you need to study for your exam.' Eventually, I said no too many times and she got the message. I haven't talked to her in so long."

If her parents ever met me, they'd find so much to pick on. Maybe she's right. It's best that her parents don't know about me. The exit was coming up so I directed her to the house. Cars lined the street which meant the party was well underway. She scanned the streets for parking and found one spot available but it required parallel parking. I offered to park the car and she obliged so we got out and swapped seats. She watched me the whole time wondering how I could park with ease but the more you do it, the more comfortable you get. I'm used to driving down streets in search of parking.

We were a block away from the house and I could hear music playing from outside. I tested the front door which was unlocked and pushed the door open. The music was loud and the house was warm. I prefer being outside where it's cooler but I continued on, grabbing Clara's arm so I wouldn't lose her. There were some familiar faces in the crowd but I've not seen most of these people before. My goal was to find Rob so I could introduce him to Clara.

We made our way through the kitchen where there was an assortment of catering, snacks, and drinks. I stopped walking and asked if she wanted something to eat.

"What?!" Clara shouted. I leant closer to her ear to be heard. She smelled like a flower making me wonder if this was a new perfume. Of all the perfumes she owns, this is my favorite. It's subtle with a hint of citrus.

"Are you hungry? I was gonna have you meet Rob but if you're hungry, we can eat first." She turned to face me and was surprised at how close I was. I wasn't sure if her cheeks were flushed from the heat or proximity.

"I'm not hungry yet," she answered, flustered. It's definitely from the proximity. The effect I had on her gave me a boost of confidence so I grabbed her hand this time. She was hesitant at first but closed her hand around mine which was a good sign. Her hand was cold just like mine but her skin was soft.

We went to the next room trying our best to not be in anyone's way and I looked back frequently to make sure she was okay. It wasn't until we were in the hallway that I spotted him leaning against the wall with his arms crossed talking to a lass. His back was to me and I waited for a lull in their conversation before tapping his shoulder. He turned around, surprised to see me and I let go of Clara's hand to give him a hug.

"You're here! I didn't think you'd come," he said, grinning. The lass he was with laughed and took a sip of her drink.

"How could I not? You were basically on your knees begging me to come," I teased.

"That's what he said," Rob replied and I laughed at the realization of what I said.

I don't mind lewd jokes with Rob but I was nervous about Clara. Her cheeks were still flushed from earlier and I wondered how sexually experienced she was. I imagined her down on her knees and quickly stopped, wondering if anyone knew about the dirty thoughts I was having. It doesn't help when it's been a few days since I got off due to stress from school.

"This is Melissa, my friend. We're taking quantum physics together," Rob spoke up, gesturing to her. She waved and I held my hand out. We shook hands saying it was nice to meet each other and I gestured for Clara to do the same but she was shy and hid behind me.

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