55. No Funny Business

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I lost her just as quickly as I had her. She knew I was busy with exams so she didn't want to bother me until I was done with them. The anticipation of seeing her again was killing me. The amount of times I thought about how we almost went there can't be healthy at all. And the thought of her dressing up to make me unable to resist her was enough to turn me on. Never before have I had a girl make me feel that way. She's incredibly hot when confident and I can't believe she chose me of all people.

My mind took turns thinking about Clara, maths, computer programming, and how I was fucked. I woke up early on Wednesday because I couldn't sleep and decided to suck it up, downing loads of Yorkshire tea and smoking more than usual to get through my exams. By the end of the day, my brain was fried. I ate cereal for dinner and might've cried myself to sleep thinking about all the questions I answered incorrectly and how I was going to fail and have to retake the course. It's the worst asking Rob how he answered a question and hearing his answer was different from yours.

Clara would call and text me, giving me encouragement, but I wanted nothing more than to hold her. She thought she was doing me a favor by staying away but that only made me miss her even more. She never mentioned that night in our phone calls nor texts. She only told me about her day at work and how she believed in me. She's known me long enough to know that I tend to be hard on myself.

By the time Friday rolled around, I was done. Luckily my last class was an elective so if I failed it, nothing would happen. Unfortunately, my last exam was a take-home exam which are the worst in my opinion. You always think you can cheat but the questions require a lot of thought and you can't easily find the answer on the internet.

At the beginning, I was motivated to do well but each question took hours to answer and I got fed up. The professor is probably wondering what on earth happened since the quality of my answers decreased but I submitted it and don't care anymore. Normally, I'd go out to the pub to celebrate but all I wanted was to be left alone. I texted Clara that I was done with all my exams and went to bed early.


It wasn't until the next day that I realized I was officially done with school, pending that I pass all my classes. I've spent more than 15 years in school and now I was finally free. No more late nights studying, no more stress from exams, and no more anxiety around my grades. Of course, there were things I was going to miss about school. I'll definitely miss the social aspect of it like hanging out with classmates and bonding over our mutual hate for a course. Now I'll have to seriously look for a job and figure out if I want to wait or just take the first opportunity that comes my way. And there was always that argument we had lingering in the back of my mind.

My job search was put on hold because of my exams and I didn't want to pick it back up just yet. I've been revising non-stop, gave it my all, and now I deserve a mini holiday. It's too bad I can't really afford one at the moment but a quick weekend trip wouldn't hurt. Perhaps I could drive to the coast, stay at a bed and breakfast, and do nowt. Would Clara like to come along? It could just be the both of us.

Llandudno and Blackpool were options close by and after a bit of research, I settled on Llandudno since it was the most familiar to me and it's been a while since I've been there. I grew up in Llandudno but I'll never live there again if I can help it. It's a great place to go on holiday but living there is a different story. Nothing ever happens there.



Clara took longer than usual to leave work so I turned on the radio, lowered the windows, and waited. It was summer and getting warmer out, though sometimes it doesn't feel like it with the rain but today was one of those days where the weather was actually decent. The days were getting longer as well. Clara finally emerged and instantly spotted my car, making her way towards it. She got in, gave me a kiss on the lips, and put on her seatbelt.

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