52. Not Like This

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Dinner surprisingly went well despite the panic from earlier. Clara was starting to relax. I could tell by the way her shoulders were no longer tense and how she'd laugh at things that weren't even funny. But it could be from all the wine she drank. She didn't order wine. I did but since it was her birthday, she thought she'd see what the fuss was all about. She doesn't enjoy the taste but she likes how it makes her feel. Her cheeks were flushed and she was giddy. She tipped the rest of the glass into her mouth and reached for the bottle.

"I reckon you've had enough," I said, grinning and prying the bottle from her hand. I pulled the glass and bottle towards me so she couldn't reach it.

"It's my birthday and I can do what I want," she pouted, crossing her arms.

Her defiance was adorable. If it was just the two of us and we hadn't just fought, I wouldn't be able to keep my hands off her. I've not been able to stop looking at her all evening. The dress she was wearing hugged her body in all the right places and brought out the color of her eyes. Her eyes are already intense to begin with and the mascara she wore made her even more seductive. And don't get me started on her lips.

The alcohol made her more bold and flirty than usual and I figured that was enough. She's never been drunk before and I wasn't sure how'd she react. Will she get sick and regret it tomorrow morning? The last thing I wanted was to get sick in my car.

"Have you got any room for dessert?" I asked.

"Dessert?" she repeated.

"I bought a chocolate raspberry cake." She instantly smiled.

"I love chocolate raspberry cake but I'm full. Maybe later." I was a bit disappointed she didn't have room as I was wanting the restaurant staff to sing happy birthday to her but I don't reckon she'd like it one bit even though she has the courage now from the alcohol.

"Yeah, that's fine. I'll get the bill."

I flagged down a waiter asking for the bill and told them about my cake in the fridge. They brought it out at the same time as my bill and I glanced at the receipt to make sure it was correct before placing my credit card on the tray. Clara thanked me several times for paying and put her coat on and grabbed her flowers. I grabbed the cake and we both made our way to the car.

"Can you walk?" I asked when I noticed her wobbling slightly. She was wearing heels so I can't imagine she's comfortable. "You can stay here and I'll pick you up. I parked several blocks that way." I pointed in the direction I parked.

"I can walk," she answered.

She looped her arm through mine and leant against me. I was surprised by the sudden proximity as I was careful to give her space. It wasn't clear if things were okay between us again but she didn't say we were done so that's good, I guess. It must be the alcohol that's making her like this.

It was dark now and I was glad I could see my car in the distance. Clara was shivering so I offered my coat but she didn't want it. I unlocked and opened the door, offering to hold her flowers so she could sit down.

"There's a balloon in my seat," she said, pulling the string. She gripped the balloon in her hands and I began to get embarrassed. Why did I think this was a good idea again? There's no doubt she saw the anniversary despite it being crossed out so she looked at me curiously.

"Erm...they ran out of happy birthday balloons," I said nervously, laughing slightly. "Thought you'd find it funny."

She didn't laugh so I placed the cake on top of the car temporarily and grabbed the balloon from her, pushing it towards the back. I held her flowers while she sat down making sure her dress wouldn't be caught in the door and I let her hold her flowers once again. I opened the back door and placed the cake inside making sure it was secure before going to the driver's side. My hope was that she'd forget about the balloon but it was hard to while it blocked my view of the back window.

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