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I left sad and confused all these emotions I had worked to keep down came back up in second

I was starting to feel again

My screams surround me , my cries echo leaving me alone , scared and afraid

My life turned up side down .

I never understood how humans felt in there darkest moments , but now I truly believe I was turning human. And I didn't like that feeling at all.

I can't do this anymore . I can't keep pretending I'm ok when I'm not.

I walked towards the woods waiting for death to come and take me to release me from my own hell .

I picked up a piece of wood and stared at it looking at this small block of wood so powerless ,but it could take out an immortal vampire in seconds it's life was easy it sat there and waited to be needed I wish life was as simple.

I angled the wood right near my heart ready to stab at any moment . I cried . Tears rolled down my face . I was ready to end it all

I pushed , feeling the last breath leave my lifeless body as I fell to the floor .

At this very moment I felt no pain just relief all my anger I once had left me, I felt at peace ,I was happy .

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