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I snuck out in the middle of the night as I couldn't face the embarrassment. I had done a lot of things ,but this was definitely something I'm not proud off .

Although I did fill bad ,but I new it could never work between us .

A tear rolled down my face as I took one last look at Klaus realising I would never experience happiness as long as I was trapped in this life , the life of an immortal.

I believe vampires where put on this world to be the bad guys of the hero's stories to feel they would never belong , the torment of always feeling a hunger unbearable to control and the feeling of your heart fading away as you watch people live the life you could only imagine living . As time moves on you become angrier and depressed until the only thing you have left is your humanity until that slowly fades and then you have nothing left but a hole in your heart and no one to repair the damage .

Leaving him was probably one of the hardest things I had done. He looked vulnerable , he looked human. A smile came across my face .
As I realised that maybe there was still humanity ,but it was trapped waiting for something or someone to set it free but it wasn't going to be me.

I left the room and my emotion came to me all at once all the angry, sad ,depressed thoughts I had ever had was with me and it was horrible , the pain was unbearable so I ran away from my problems like a coward.

( Klaus pov)

I woke up and she wasn't there I looked around the room but she was no where to be found.
I was slightly disappointed, i confessed my love for her and she ran.

But what did I expect to happen ......

Hiya , hope everyone's ok

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