"Yes, why not," Carfron asks. I almost forgot he was here for a second.

Kybast shrugs his shoulders. I have no idea what he means. The five floating test tubes glow red hot and gooey. They're changing shape as if they're being molded in a kiln or whatever glass is formed in. Kyrbast plays with it long enough for me to get bored and turn my attention back to Carfron, who's mesmerized. 

He's the weirdest ghost I've ever heard of, probably because he's not a ghost. I'm also pretty sure I'm not hallucinating. If Ziras did something to me, I think he would've shown up sooner. That leaves the Orb, or the plaque, or the Orb/plaque combo. Lord knows, they work or don't work whenever they want. 

Long tubes of hot glass fly like darts into the caldron, giving me the distraction I crave. He cools the glass with a puff of smoke and picks up the cauldron as if it weighs nothing. "Bagpipes!" he announces with a smile.

I smile back. I've seen pictures of bagpipes, so I have a basic idea of how they look. The caldron might be too big, but he got close. He blows into it, and it makes the familiar sick cow sound. He got that right.

He makes a sour face. "Let me adjust that," he says, with a tap to the caldron bag. "Does it have a strap or anything else I might have forgotten?"

"I don't know."

"Well, give it a try," he says, handing them to me.

I smile awkwardly. "I don't know how to play the bagpipes." I should've said drums. I would love to play the drums.

"The music is already in it."

The mouthpiece has holes similar to a clarinet. I played the recorder in the fourth grade, which is how I know I'm not musical, but it gives me an idea of how to start. I blow into the mouthpiece, and the caldron bag fills with air. I squeeze it, and the air wheezes out the other pipes. "Okay, I can do this."

I squeeze the caldron harder, and the noise that comes out is almost musical. I work my fingers over the holes, and soon I play an actual song. "Hey, did you hear that?"

"I did. Very good."

I get the hang of it and play songs that makes Kyrbast, and I dance around. I even play some of my favorites, but I forgot a lot of the parts, so I mash them together in a mixed-up melody that sounds fantastic. Carfron joins the fun too, but he's not that great of a dancer. Neither is Kyrbast, but his enthusiasm makes up for any lack of rhythm.

We play until we're tired and sweaty. "Thank you, Kyrbast. I can't convey to you how badly I needed some fun. My brain has been set on hyper-drive all day and I was finally able to shut it off for a few hours. Even Carfron being here doesn't bother me."

"My pleasure. I'm going to have to mix up some joint poultice. I haven't danced like that in ages. Do you require some?"

I tell him no, and we say our goodbyes. Carfron follows me out to the hallway. "I like music," he says.

I wonder if the real Carfron enjoys it too or if my imaginary one just discovered it for the first time. "I know you're not part of my thoughts. Do you hear me tell you that? I know. I may not be able to convince anyone else, but you are not me. You're not my hallucination. Are you the Orb?"

"I'm Carfron."

"No, you're not. Carfron's dead. I know he's dead because I'm the one that killed him. And frankly, I hate that you're here looking identical him. I want to feel my guilt, and shame and loss, and all the other things a normal human feels, but I can't, because you're here. You're here all the time."

"I'm here."

A groan escapes my throat. He's like an annoying parrot. I increase my pace until I'm practically running. The respite I had a few minutes ago is gone. When I reach my room, I slam the door behind me. It doesn't stop him. He's by the sofa. 

He doesn't appear or disappear. It's as if he's been there this entire time waiting for me to come back. I ignore him and knock on Albína's door. She enters my room in her robe. It's later than I thought.

"I forgot to eat," I say sheepishly. I don't need her to order food. I need her to take care of me for a few minutes because I'm scared. 

She sits with me while I eat. Then putters around, tinkering with everything she can think of until she eventually runs out of things to do. "Would you like me to sleep in here with you?" 

"No, it's okay. He's on the sofa. I don't think there's anything you can do. I've already kind of gotten used to him, so I'll be alright." I'm lying to her. I'm afraid to go to sleep. I'm afraid to wake up. What will he do while I'm sleeping? Will he enter my nightmares?  

Albína gives me a big hug. I can rest my head on top of hers, but it's still the motherly hugs I love and need.

Carforn hasn't moved from the sofa since she came in. Once she leaves, he lies down and closes his eyes.

"Are you going to sleep?"

"I thought I would try it."

I don't want to know anymore. What does it mean when a ghost sleeps?

The Lost Knight (Volume IV) The Lost PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now