¶Time's essence¶

Start from the beginning

"Hmm. Well, if you ask me I think it's cool that you're smart enough to understand that book. In my country, only ten people have that sort of mental capacity." Ace offered, leaving out that he was one of those ten.

"Wow. What country is that?" Chiara asked, amazed at the information. The book was not uncommon, there were millions of copies in existence which made it widely read.

Ace smiled and lay on his head, facing the ceiling. "You'll find out soon."


Priya was dressing up when she heard a small beep, signalling that someone was about to use the intercom. A soft voice, definitely not Mr. Han's, came through.

"Good day, everyone. So I wanted to do something different as today's AHOH, so I decided to cook something special for us all. It'll be ready in fifteen minutes, so get your tastebuds prepared for a blast." She heard the girl chuckle at the end, before it cut off.

At that moment, Priya's stomach grumbled causing her to hasten up. She wore her usual outfit and quickly stuffed the other clothes into a box on another bed. The perks of being alone in a room, total privacy.

She headed out, closing the door behind her and walking upstairs towards the spicy scent of food. Everyone else was there when she arrived, and she looked around walking over to an empty seat beside Eryk.

"Is this taken?" She asked, sitting down as she did so.

He raked his eyes over her and grinned, which still looked like a foreign concept to him.

"It is now. You look nice by the way." He responded, his features now reduced to a smile. Priya didn't know what to make of his enthusiasm, so she muttered a quick thanks and focused on the kitchen activities instead.

Three girls stood in the kitchen, stirring pots and dicing ingredients as they chatted and laughed inaudibly. She frowned at the sight and looked to her right where the other housemates, all guys sat huddled together discussing football. Typical.

She pushed her chair back and stood up, sauntering over to where her gender dominated.

"Hey girls. Do you need any help?" She asked, smiling brightly and... hopefully.

Only Mareike looked over her shoulder. "Hey Priya. Nah, don't worry about it. Just go sit down and look pretty, we're almost done." She responded and immediately resumed stirring her pot, so didn't notice how her friend's face fell.

Sit down and look pretty? She could do other things too, it wasn't her fault she came with the full package. She dropped her shoulders and walked back into the dining room, consciously swaying her hips as she did so but none of the guys even looked her way. They were still engrossed in the newspaper Femi held, rapidly talking over each other while continously pointing at the newspaper.

Priya swallowed a lump in her throat, and ran towards the stairs taking them two at a time till she reached the bottom. She collapsed into one of the sofas, and let out a long sigh.

She felt the tears coming in, and started blinking rapidly to contain their flow. The reasonable part of her knew there was no reason for her behaviour, there never was, but the emotional part of her just wanted to let it all out.

It wanted her to scream, to cry, to wail, or maybe to laugh. But she held it in, refusing to do none. This year, she would fight to stay strong, and keep it all in.

Filled with silence, she decided to close her eyes and think of her happiest thoughts. Her father telling her a bedtime story, Ashanti taking her to the school musical, dancing at the club, talking to Eryk, gossiping with...

"Aaarrggg!" Someone shouted, cutting off Priya's train of thoughts.

She rushed upstairs, curious to see what the noise was all about. From the lounge, she saw smoke around the kitchen area. Once again, it was filled with black soot while the housemates looked towards it, no one saying a word.

She looked on as Eryk walked forward, asking the question on everyone's mind. "What in God's name just happened?"

Priya inched closer to the scene and nearly stumbled back in shock. The eyes of both girls were glowing furiously as they stared back at the rest of the house. She could see the veins of her friends rapidly throbbing within their bodies, and instead of blood, Priya saw electricity coursing through them.

Somehow, she knew this sight was meant for her eyes only and that scared her.




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