Chapter 13.

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Lauren plays with the silk cladded flower in her hand as she stared out the car, watching as the view of house they passed by turned into very green trees. They have been on the road for an hour now and were on their way back to San Antonio where they were supposed to inform Ally's family about the girl's disappearance with their fake story. She for one was incredibly nervous of their reaction, they've lost the girl twice now and this time they weren't sure if they'd find her as easily as before. She wished this never happened, she wished they could have gone through a much peaceful path with their relationship. This didn't need to happen.

"Laur?" Morticia says softly, holding the girl's hand while her other hand was on the wheel.

Lauren looked at her aunt, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, I'll tell you when we get home," Lauren smiled weakly and returned her focus out the car.

"Is that one of those flowers from your grandma's jewelry room?" Morticia smiled, "She'll hit you when she finds out you took one without her permission."

"Yeah," Lauren chuckled, "I won't regret taking it with me though."

"How come?"

"I. . . I gave it to someone very special," Lauren whispers.

"Who's this special someone?" Morticia asked.

"She's missing," Lauren sighs.

"Oh," Morticia fell silent, "Is this what you wanted to talk about?"

Lauren only nodded and bit her lip, "It's just so- just so complicated, if I had just kept her around me and not mess our already dying communication then she'd be here and not in danger."

"Calm down," Morticia sighs, she rarely sees her family as a council so she always wanted to have their little moments to be memorable but it seems as if this one was an exception. She had never seen her niece be in such a predicament before, Lauren has always been the most discreet with her emotions and to see her slowly breaking down at the moment set a blaze of fury in her heart. "We'll figure something out, we'll find her."

Lauren just nods and lets out a breath, she trusted her aunt. Hell she trusts everyone in their family with her life but Ally's, she wasn't supposed to be in this situation. She just hoped for the better before they find a way to resolve her mistake.


Dinah, Normani, Lauren and Tori all stood out front the Hernandez Residence. They were nervous and scared, this was the first time they'd meet Ally's parents and it already sucked to know that they'd meet due to the fact that their child is missing.

"So who's gonna tell them?" Morticia asks from behind them, she was leaning on the car while admiring the fairly large house.

"We- don't exactly know," Normani says, chuckling nervously.

"And how are you gonna tell them?" Morticia raised her brow.

"Okay now is not the type to put more pressure on us than it already is," Tori says irritatingly, "Now, I'm gonna go and knock on the door. By the time they open, you three better be behind me."

Dinah, Normani and Lauren just nodded and followed Tori up to the house's door, Tori pressed the bell and took a deep breath before letting it out. Lauren looked behind them to see her aunt looking at them with an amused face, she returned her gaze back to the door when she heard it open.

A middle aged man in a red shirt and some cargo shorts opened it with a confused look, "Uhm hello?"

"Hi Mr. Hernandez," Tori says first, "We need to talk to you."

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