Stupid Gnosis

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"What's happening comrades?" Childe asked, ruffling Scaramouche's hair. "We're leaving, the audience is pretty mad so one of the guys working here is letting all four of us sneak out the back entrance." Scaramouche summed up without a breath in between. Xiao nodded his head silently, "Zhongli is on the stage."

"You guys go ahead, I'll wait for Zhongli," Childe said, sitting down in the chair. The two shorter men shrugged and left through the back entrance. While Childe patiently waited for Zhongli.

Minutes later Zhongli was walking into the backstage area. "Mr. Zhongli!" Childe yelled, Zhongli looked up from the floor. "Oh Tartaglia," The artifact dealer held his stance as Childe quickly hugged him.

"Man, all this talk for a stupid gnosis," Childe chuckled, closing his eyes. Zhongli let out a low grumble, "People are so power corrupt." The latter let his chin rest on Childe's left shoulder.

"We made a lot of money, though I believe my reputation is not going to be easy getting back," Zhongli said in a deflated sigh, pulling himself away from the affection.

Zhongli quickly fixed his tie, "We should get out of here. I think I'm going to go home and bring my thoughts together." The latter explained, but Childe tugged at the end of Zhongli's shirt.

"Or you could just sleep?" The ginger recommended, blue eyes deep and lost in thought. "Perhaps,"

In the car

"My milkshake brings all the boys to-" Scaramouche clicked the skip button, Childe turned around and glared at the balladeer.

"Seriously? That was a good song." Childe scoffed, turning back around to face the road. "Well don't you just live and breathe gay," Scaramouche remarked, now it was Xiao's turn to glare.

"If that is an insult to Aeth-" Scaramouche raised his brow, turning to the Adeptus. "Dude, it's like every insult I throw is somehow hitting your blondie, he's not even here!" Scaramouche groaned, playing another song.

"Well, if you are insulting him then an early grave you seek," Xiao muttered to no one in particular, missing his fluffy idiot.

Zhongli didn't interrupt the bickering of the two in the back seat. He looked distracted, lost in thought as he concentrated on the road.

Childe reached out his hand, letting it hover over the shift, Zhongli's hand was cold. Something the fatui would note.

Then the bickering of the two in the back grew louder. "How dare you disrespect someone above your station!" Xiao hissed,

"Says the one who orders strawberry boba tea!" Scaramouche mocked, adjusting the tie on his suit.

"Tch, strawberry is sweet, like almond tofu."

"You gonna tell us your dramatic past huh? Blah blah blah~" Childe had heard enough of their fighting, "Can you guys please shut up!" The two rolled their eyes and looked out different windows.

Zhongli let out a sigh of relief, "Thank you." Childe laughed, waving his hand. Zhongli signaled left, parking next to his house. "Xiao, can you drop Scaramouche off? I'll stay with Mr. Zhongli." Childe asked, seeing the glint of disgust in his eye.

After a couple of silent seconds Xiao said, "Alright, I suppose I can take the toddler." The Yaksha teased, opening the door and stepping out of the car.

"Why must I ride with that idiot!?" Scaramouche groaned, opening the door and slamming it shut once he was out. Zhongli spoke up, "I'm surprised you can deal with that child."

"My siblings taught me the art of patience," Childe said with a wink, Zhongli smiled softly. "You are full of surprises, as I said before we left the concert hall I will sleep. I'm assuming you'll come with?" Childe nodded in response, and the two got out of the black sports car.

"I'm very tired," Childe said with a yawn. "Well to be fair, I think I know why you're schedule has been so...thrown off track. I'll tell you inside," Zhongli murmured, taking the key out of his pocket and walking to his doorstep. Childe trailed behind, Zhongli froze, "Something wrong, Mr. Zhongli?" The latter swallowed loudly, turning the doorknob.

"My door was unlocked." The artifact dealer murmured, signaling for Childe to stay behind him. He pushed open the dark oak door. His house was the same, exactly how he left it.

The two men stepped through the doorway and continued into the kitchen.

"There you guys are, to be quite honest I was starting to get very bored waiting." A voice of elegance ringed within the kitchen, on the island was sitting Signora. Two fatui agents at her side, Childe turned around to see two more agents behind them.

"Well if it isn't the 8th fatui harbinger, La Signora." Zhongli greeted, arms crossed and leaning on one foot. "Give it up Morax, the Tsaritsa requires a gnosis from you."

"I don't have a gnosis," Zhongli said in a serious tone, displease washed over Signora's expression. "Mr. Artifact dealer doesn't wanna hand over his artifact. We know the gnosis you handed over was fake, so hand over the one you have now." Signora opened her hand, "Or I'll take it forcefully."

"A gnosis chooses its host, removing it forcefully will most likely lead to destruction to both the host and taker," Zhongli murmured, adding to the mystery of the gnosis. Yet Childe's knowledge of the gnosis began to grow.

"You don't need to take it forcefully, I'll take it safely," Childe recommended a compromise, stepping in front of Zhongli only for Signora to push him out of the way.

Two agents quickly apprehended Childe.
"Hey! You can't-" Childe was close to punching Signora square in the face if it wasn't for the agents holding him down.

"I believe, we'll see," Signora said with a laugh, Zhongli held his ground. Signora quickly threw her hand forward for Zhongli to grab her wrist and hold it away from him.

"As I said-"

Zhongli let out a grunt, Signora's other hand forcefully took the gnosis. (Like she did with Barbatos)

The former fell over, as Signora let the gnosis spin on her finger before grabbing it. "The Tsaritsa will be pleased,"

Child could see the discomfort and hurt in Zhongli's face. As he was hunched over and letting out deep breaths. "You'll pay for this Signora." Childe yelled, Signora just waved her hand and mouthed, 'So long Childe.'

The two agents let Childe go, as he scrambled to Zhongli. "Are you-"

"I- finally realized why you kept getting sick and tired," Zhongli said with a cough, amber eyes focusing and unfocusing on the figure in front of him. "I am to blame, t-that the gnosis doesn't only corrupt me but those who stay with me. L-like Guizh..." The artifact dealer coughed once more struggling to flip himself over.

He now lay on his back, no more pain rang through his body.

"Mr. Zhongli?"

One more chapter to go

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