Tailing you

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Seeing their target leave the scene Childe quickly called the waitress over. "I'm curious, is that young man a pop idol?" Childe asked, referring to Xiao.

"Xiao? Ah no, he's one of the elite guards of Liyue. A team that watches over the city, I believe there are eight, maybe ten. Ah, and the man he was with is I believe his close friend." The waitress explained.

"Thank you, I was about to ask for a selfie too." Childe chuckled, turning towards Scaramouche. "Anyway, let's go, thank you for the meal," Childe said softly, smiling at the waitress while dragging Scaramouche out by the collar.

"Stop dragging me everywhere! Let's just follow them." Scaramouche huffed, adjusting his clothing and fixing himself. "Let's get this party started then."


"Be careful," Childe whispered, walking behind Zhongli and Xiao from afar. "How about you shut up and we just follow them??" Scaramouche hissed, kicking Childe in the back of the knee.

"Well, aren't you being very kind today!" The ginger grunted, looking around the area once more. "Scaramouche... we lost them."
The balladeer looked around the crowded streets of Liyue. "HOW DID YOU LOSE THEM?!"

"ME?!" Childe gasped, a smile tugging at his lips. "Let's split up, meet back at the condo in forty minutes." Ajax ran ahead with Scaramouche yelling from behind. "MY PHONE HAS NO RECEPTION!!"
The short man yelled, "Tch, whatever. That dumb idiot can get lost." Scaramouche muttered coldly, retreating to their temporary living space.

Childe explored Liyue, lots of good food which he stopped to steal a bite. The culture was utterly fascinating. Passing stores and shops, the ginger continued to get lost in his amusement. "This is much different than-"

A small force had stopped him from walking along the streets of Liyue. Looking around it seemed he was in front of Wanmin restaurant.

Childe had bumped into a short woman, her head whipping around with a pout. "Aiya, you didn't have to bump into me so hard." The woman chuckled, seeing Childe's confused expression.

"You don't hail from Liyue do you? You look lost!" Hu Tao gasped, a small grin sneaking onto her lips. "I-"

"Shh, no need for talking! Listen, I'll put this client away and then I can help you get to whatever you need." The woman dismissed the man in front of her. Turning back to a Liyuean citizen, who wore a worried expression. "Contact us as soon as you get a body, I'll see you soon~" Hu Tao waved the man goodbye, which, instead he stood with a shocked expression.

The funeral parlor owner turned to Childe, crossing her arms. "Now, let's see... Oh! I'll take you to Zhongli, he tours people around the city often." Hu Tao explained, walking past Ajax and into the crowd.

"Zhongli... Wait! I never got your name!"

"Follow me and you'll learn it~"


Hu Tao had been knocking on big wooden doors for quite a time. "Let me in Mung!!"

"Director! If you see the mess Adeptus Xiao made you'll surely let me perish!" The distressed worker called out from inside the building. Hu Tao inhaled deeply, looking at Childe with a grin. She raised her leg and kicked through the door. Missing Mung's head by a centimeter. "AHHHHHH!"

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